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The first death

 "Twilight! Twilight! What ever shall I do?!" Rarity screamed as she ran into Twilights castle. "What is it? What happened? Is king sombra attacking Equestria?!" Twilight said, pulling a sofa in for Rarity to faint on. " I fear, Twilight, that it is something much worse." Said Rarity,       

" Remember the line of dresses I made for Sapphire Shores?" "Yes, you couldn't stop bragging about how good they were." "Well," said Rarity, "I fear somepony." " Yes?" "Stole them!" Said Rarity, fainting once again.

" Rarity, your my best friend. And I completely understand your problem, but is it really that big of a deal?"

"Yes, it really is." 

"Are you going to try to find who stole them?" 

"Why of course!"

"Need any help?"


"Ok, I'll gather the rest of the girls, meet me here in an hour."

"Sure thing, Twilight, I'll go home, I guess."

"Can I come?!" Screamed Spike, running in the room. " I suppose... Yes, you shall come spike!" Rarity said.

Twilight trotted out of the castle, followed by Rarity, and Spike.

Rarity went strait home to her house, and obviously, Spike followed, flying through the air with hearts in his eyes. And no,  Spike does not have wings, his love makes his tail twirl in circles with hearts all around him. "Spike?" Said Rarity, " What are you doing?" Spike replied, "Oh," Spike said, dropping to the ground, "Nothing, never mind." Spike felt his heart beating faster than ever. He didn't know what else to say, so he finished, " My sweet, sweet, lovable... Rarity." Spike said the last part in a way that was a bit off, but when your in love, you always act a bit off. Spike stopped flying, he started to walk again. "Do you want to get on my back, Spiky-Wicky? (ps, the "spiky" and "wicky" rhymed, sp-ii-ck-ee, w-yy-ck-ee)" Asked Rarity. "No" Spike said, "Uh, I mean, No thanks. Sorry" Rarity finished, "It's ok, I care, but if you don't want to, that's fine." Spike ended up stuttering the words, Ok. 

Sooner than later, they reached the boutique. Rarity walked inside, not saying a word. What she found on the floor was horrible, something just terrible, she was scared. Rarity stopped. "What is it, why did you stop?"asked Spike, little did he know, what tradgidy was laying there on the floor, of Raritys Boutique. Rarity moved over. Spike saw what had happened, to Sweetie Belle. Blood was everywhere, there was a knife laying on the ground, right next to Sweetie Belle. The knife was covered in blood. Sweetie Belle was ripped up. It was pretty obvious what had happened. Somepony had stabbed her. Rarity ran over to Sweetie Belles dead body, Rarity started to cry, she has never cried as hard as she was crying now. Spike joined in, he cried almost just as hard as Rarity. They all were sad, but none of them thought of who, excactly, has killed, Sweetie Belle.

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