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Silver is the sixth book in a series about Unison. The first book Purple can be downloaded for free from most good ebook sellers.

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Chapter 1

An Essence


Disturbed still, and only standing upright because the boy held it so tightly, it turned its thoughts to what else it could possibly have to do.

The pulsing of the land was strong beneath its host’s feet, the quivers in the outer shield clear to see. But was it something trying to get in or something trying to get out? It didn’t know and it puzzled it.

Clearly, it still had much to do but the feel of the boy’s hands on the too hot skin of its host was making it difficult to think clearly.

It had never before experienced such sensations. The gentle caress across flaming skin, the insistent lips across the scorched mouth, the feelings of longing and need that arose within it.

It tried to decipher the meaning of the caress, the touch and the resultant heat, but being an essence of fire and heat rising from the center of the land, it couldn’t hope to understand what was happening. It stemmed from a presence that never faded, never waned, never waxed and never died. It had always been and always would. How could it understand these needs, so different to its own?

It needed nothing. Not light or heat or air. It just was.

Swept along by the pinpricks of warmth across its hot skin, it thought of nothing else. Not the pulsing of the land, and not the quivers in the outer shield. It simply experienced touch and lost all semblance of what it was.



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Chapter 2 - Together

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