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Matt and Jazz and all that Jazz

"Ecoute me"

"D'accord, what's about"

"there you are encore demander toujour, just ecoute, will you?"

Their relationship was based on soul-speak rather then one earth language.  They were volunteers studying how people on this small blue planet communicate, collecting both positive and negative results.

"Eh alors! Why don't they just have one system of languages and stick with it?" said Jazz.

"It would be so simple et il peut se comprendre.  Et il n'y a pas besoin pour faire la guerre", added Matt to no one in particular.

The distant thunder could be heard.  They both sensed that this boom-booming could be artilleries gun-fire rather then the natural rainstorms phenomena.

"Guess this will keep nous occupees for few hours yet, sorting through their thought patterns." Jazz was voicing her thoughts unnecessary because, she knew that Matt could read her wavelength.

lightnings followed the loudest Of boom, boom. The sky appeared to split in two. rain fell in torrent.

"I could never get used to this Earthy rain," Thought Matt.

"Neither do I" agreed Jazz and continued to shift through the Rubbish without uttering a word.  They went on shifting through the rotting pile for quite sometime when suddenly they heard a child cry.

"I am all sanging!"

"Someone is hurt" Jazz cried out and look frantically around.

“It’s the opportunity, don’t wait any longer, take the fall, and get in that time capsoul”- the voice came

from above but she could see nothing but a beautiful rainbow.

And another voice said:

“you have no right to use my time-capsoul!”

“What type of soul are you?” The male voice joined in,


“I thought so, so shallow”, the male voice asserted himself again.

“I brought the healing gems and metal for my nature, here, see; they are amethyst, sapphire,

yellow garnet, white moonstone, red and yellow opal, silver and gold which will inspirit my confidence.

“Soul and spirit don’t need ‘inspirit’ the original voice piped up. "So it is useless to bring those to Earth.  It won't heal the human.".

Jazz tried in vain to shake those three quarrelling voices from taking up her space and because she was loosing her patience and energy faster than usual.


“Waste of space", she said out loud.

"The Universe is spinning too fast.  It's madness that these new souls are here without volunteering.  The next step could be yesterday or nine hundred years when the Crusades roam the Middle East, Ramadan or no Ramadan."

"Can we hold on together?" asked Jazz.

"Anything could happen.  We are in the sea of evolutionary madness and social carnage.  Don't let the human's sickness contaminate you Jazz.  Be strong, Be detached."  Matt comforted his co-worker.

"Merci" Jazz said and smiled sweetly. "Let hope we brought enough soul-food with us".

They ignored the chattering of the others and went on searching for ways of the ancient signs to undo the teaching of centuries of secular teaching- World domination, Male dominated world, defeat your enemy, success at all cost.  The end justified the mean. 



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