Changing The Unchangeable


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       My name is Chloe Standall, my mum and I are very poor and we take money from loan sharks. They're dangerous. I have to take three part-time jobs, and even that's not enough to feed the loans. But I've studied my heart out all the time, I've even ended myself up a scholarship to the most prestigious school...EVER! I have one friend called Louis. He's like me: a nerd! But I'm very grateful for him, he also doesn't know about the loans we take. But that's all. 

Meanwhile at Mom's....

     Mom: Hades please...just some more days please!!

**Ends call** 

Back to me....

    "I guess I'll just be going home..." I said to myself. As she walked out the restaurant two hands slithered around my waist....

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       "HELP!!!" I screamed as loud as possible. Did I mention I work at an isolated part of town? I looked behind me to see two men, who looked like the loan sharks smirking. I guess they had a job to kill me. I screamed more before they covered my mouth. I counted the seconds till I died. "1.....2....."

"HEY, let her go!!!" Said an unknown voice. The men laughed.

 "Who are you?" They asked midst of laughing. 

" I'm her boyfriend!" He said. 

 "Then I'm her husband!" One of the men said. 

When the guy came closer, I noticed he had a mask on covering his face. But I could see the edges of his jet-black hair.

He started to punch the men hard, before they ran off.

 "T-t--" I started to speak.

 "Boss we need to go!" Said somebody. And with that, they walked off. I was tired of my mom being like this, I wanted to give her a price of my mind but she's been through far too much. 

At school....

   "Hey Louis!" I said, mustering a smile. 

 "Hey Chloe, meet my friends, Meg the crazy one, Hallie the Happy one, and Delena the demented one!" He laughed. 

"Hey!!" All the girls shouted.

Suddenly, everybody in the crowd squealed and parted sides, Louis pulled me to the side and whispered: "The school council is coming, we treat them like goddesses, and-! He was rudely interrupted by a "body guard" slapping his hand off. When the first person came, I almost fainted. I started tutting and fidgeting uncomfortably has his deathly stare fixed upon me. It was him....

"Uh..Louis can we go..?" I asked, he was wearing shades but  I knew he was looking at me. 

"Well, okay!" He shrugged and we walked off. I could feel his stare at my back.

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      I had a casual happy day filled with laughter but then the school headmaster made an announcement of a prom I didn't even know about!! All the girls rushed home and started throwing dressses all about. Eh, I wore my black jeans and a tank top I never wore a dress and I don't want to. 

As we arrived at the school, I was stopped from going in because I had informal wear, my friend dragged me to the restrooms and excitedly handed me a dress!

"I knew this would happen!" She said. The dress was a Y neck and short, and the colour was red with glitter. It was cool, and when I wore it my best friend straightened my hair and added a long red and gold clip! Not to brag, I looked good!

I nervously walked out and sat at my table with all my nerd friends. Then the guy from last night came and laughed: "Oh look, this table is the nerd table!!" 

"Oh, we saved you a seat!" I shot back. Many OOOOH's came from the crowd. He was obviously taken back.

"I don't talk to shit!" He said and the crowd did the same thing.

"Maybe that's why you don't talk to yourself" I replied. The crowd cheered louder than ever until the guy's best friend dragged him away. 

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