Her Beautiful Soul


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 I see her in my dreams 

So beautiful and gentle 

I know, going a tad bit mental

I don't care 

Because I want to show her how much

Love I want to share

What I didn't know then,

My heart's been stolen

She's in my every breath 

The way she smiles is hard to forget 

She's and addiction 

But a cure to my heart,

She's my medication 

I know her, she knows me 

Our love will be of simplicity 

I want to see,

What she sees

Beautiful Soul, how did this happen to me?

I fell in love at first sight 

With a beautiful soul 

If only she knows

How much I think of her,

Day and night

When I talk to her,

It feels like all is a dream.

Maybe it's what it seems to be.

I believe you and I will be together,


Amazing adventures

Spending them with you,

A Beautiful Soul[...]

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