Plains Of Forgotten Dreams


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  'Twas night without day and the stars hung ever so low, 

the birds of the sky and the beasts of the earth stilled.

The meadows and the fields waving, never at anyone, 

and the songs once sang, now ring forever silent.

The crests and the eddies now reduced to a simple wave,

the moonlight radiating bright along the empty coasts. 

The sun approaching, stalking the night evermore over the hills,

never able to catch something as perfect as night. 

A song breaking the ever still silence, quiet and tranquil,

and seemingly distant to the wavering ear. 

The notes not of beast, nor of wind or water, but of something else;

Something that no forest could contain and no wave could topple, 

and no inferno could ever damage. 

The melody seems to wake the stillness and awake the looming ocean, 

the chords stirring the petals below the towering giants. 

What could the source of such beauty be in this place of despair?

A flock of the sweetest larks and songbirds?

Tones and sounds of such power almost seemed sad, but sweet. 

Even the rivers and the skies cried for her when she was down, 

nature simply returning a deserved love for her caring.

When the clouds grow dark and the wrath of her unleashes, 

destroying all that is evil and unjust, careful not to harm the innocent. 

The night sky seemed to light up when she was singing and dancing,

always out of sight of the eye, but felt by everything.

With the sun now breasted over the hills, radiating the trees and reflecting the waves, 

the smell of the morning air now filling the valley.

The melody seemed to fade and the calmness that night brought gone,

the echos that filled the night now gone, waiting patiently for another soul. 

Was the song only an illusion that could be seen or was it only a delusion,

every near soul could hear clearer than the waters of the springs?

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