Errors in hookup, which are assumed by every beginner


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We all sense this negative vibe when it comes to one-night stands, hookups, and fleeting affairs, partly, because it’s still a non-conformist type of relationship in any society as we know it, partly because most people do it wrong, especially is they are just starting.  Of course, hookups have this idea of unrestrained freedom of doing and choosing but however uberhorny you are, hookups have a few rules following which makes the whole game better and more fun. Today, we’re going to disclose some of the most typical mistakes the hookup newbies of all sexes and genders make and how to avoid them. 

Error #1: Choosing the Wrong Person

It shouldn’t sound like a discovery for you but not every person is into one-time sex. Seriously, not everyone is comfortable or ready to jump into bed with someone they’ve met 10 minutes ago, and you gotta respect that. But the question for you is: where do I find the right and ready ones?

Solution: Search on dating websites that advocate this hookup religion. 

Take Uberhorny, for example. There is a very little chance you’ll run there into a person who’s interested in creating a family as they position themselves as the site for those who crave short-time connections. You’ll probably be interested in reviews to see what they’re like, so HookupMasters already highlighted everything you need to know about it as a beginner. Although it’s a very specific-oriented dating site, it would be nice to read about other potential mistakes that have a high chance to spoil the whole experience. So, read on.   

Error #2: Assuming, not Asking

There is this saying that ‘to assume makes an ass of u and me’, and it’s particularly true when having a pretty intimate connection with somebody you don’t know well. Communication is key in every type of sexual relationship and mastering it will make you a better, more wanted lover. 

Solution: Don’t be afraid to ask what your partner likes or wants in life, in bed, in general.

It will build a trust that is vital for having a smooth transition from strangers to lovers. Plus, questions always make the person feel good and cared but be careful - don’t turn into a walking questionnaire. 

Error #3: Pretending Doing Something You Aren’t

Like making a person feel very special and showing signs of a very-very deep interest in him/her. There is nothing worse than doing that just to get laid and get away with it. In plain modern English, it means to be d*ck or c*nt. And you don’t want that, partially because it’s low, partially because you never know how this other person will react for you setting everything up just to have sex. Believe us, you don’t want your body, property, or reputation hurt. 

Solution: Learn the Rules. 

We mean, all kinds of rules that differentiate the hookup and long-term relationship. That can be sexting rules, behavioral patterns, and cliches (that’s probably the only occasion they seem kinda appropriate). 

Error #4: Thinking You Know Everything About Sex

Honey, you know nothing about sex until you have it with a new person. This means, even though the ‘mechanics’ stays the same, it won’t feel the same because of a bunch of reasons. We don’t believe that hookups are arranged in cold blood, just for the sake of it. It’s more like an exploration, and the know-it-all kind of thinking gets very much in a way of discovering new pleasures.

Solution: Let Your Partner Teach You.

Like Depeche Mode sang, “I'm always willing to learn When you've got something to teach”. Take it as your primary hookup mantra and don’t have it all your way because it will make you bored pretty soon. So, learn new positions, try new approaches, experiment, and let it flow. 

Hookup is a subtle art and those who master it well, open a lot of doors to new pleasures, feelings, and sensations. So, if you want to follow the path without making it a highway to hell, you need to need to respect your and someone else’s decisions, have an open mind and be willing to make this journey full of joy for you and your partner. Simply put, to avoid mistakes we’ve just shared with you. 

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