Healthy living


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Healthy living - 35 small tips with a big impact


You want to live healthier and get fitter? You can do that! With a firm will and our tips you reach your goal.

Here's how it works: Take two or three tips from the list that you keep following - as a small milestone, so to speak. Once you've incorporated the tips into your daily routine, you can make a new tip until your final goal is reached. Do not forget: Have fun with it. Here we go.


First things first: First things first! We'll show you 10 things that you can do right away for your health.

British slots are exciting, but pure games of chance. Actions of the player have no influence on the outcome of the game, every single round is a matter of luck. To play at a slot machine you just have to set your bet and spin the reels - then sit back and wait for your winnings.​

Just relax

ur brain reacts promptly to everyday stress: it releases more and more of the stress hormone cortisol. It keeps us alert and active, although we are exhausted and tired, weakens the immune system and impairs our metabolism. What to do?

A trip to the ocean, hiking in nature, autogenic training, progressive muscle relaxation, meditation or yoga exercises can help as the first relaxation measures. In the long run you should try to eliminate your biggest stress factors.

Healthy Living: Colorful smoothies with fresh fruit

Smoothies for breakfast

Your daily diet does not provide the body with enough nutrients? Our tip: make a smoothie in the morning or in between fresh fruits and vegetables - for a proper immune kick. Here you will find many delicious smoothie recipes.

Healthy living: water with lemons

Metabolic kick in the morning

A glass of warm water with lemon in the morning gives the body the liquid it needs and, through its antibacterial effect, helps flush out toxins that have accumulated in the body the previous day. Together with a pinch of cayenne pepper, you'll help your sluggish metabolism on the jumps. We'll show you more ideas for Infused Water.

Pay attention to the breath

Breathing can calm us down in stressful situations. There are various breathing techniques for this. One of them is the 4-7-8 breathing technique. And this is how it works: You breathe deeply through the nose and count to four. Hold your breath and count to seven. Then you breathe out powerfully from the mouth, as if you want to inflate a balloon, and counts to eight. Repeat this cycle three to four times. 

We'll show you more breathing techniques that reduce stress forot.

Prepare meals

Healthy eating takes more time than fast food. But often it has to go fast. Whether cut fruit and vegetables or a healthy meal for work: well planned is half won.

It's best to prepare some food rations for the work on the weekend and freeze them if necessary. So in the evening after work, you do not need to stand in the kitchen exhausted and cook, but you have everything at hand right away. How it works? We explain the principle of Meal Prep.

Strength training instead of diet

Why? Simply because muscles let fat melt. They boost the metabolism and thus increase the energy turnover. And as soon as more energy is consumed than supplied, you lose weight. The best part: Instead of flabby skin like a diet, the training for a solid body. So get started with pushups and sit-ups.

For those who like it warm: detox tea

A detox tea ensures that the liver and kidneys are relieved. Also read our other tips on detox.

Treat yourself to a new sport outfit

The goal is set, the sports partner found, you are motivated? Great, let's go! But please only with the right clothes. Do not put on the last slouchy clothes for sports, but treat yourself accordingly functional fitness clothes. Not only is it more comfortable to wear (because the sweat is transported away directly), it also gives us a better feeling during training.

And to keep it longer: You have to pay attention when washing sportswear.

Water with fruits as a refreshing detox drink

Almost nothing works without water: It regulates our metabolism, the cardiovascular system, the digestion, our body temperature and serves as a means of solution and transport. Together with fruits, it is ideal as a detox drink. Lemon, grapefruit, cucumber, cherries or melon are among the basic...

Healthy living means conscious living

Everyone wants to live a healthy life. But what is meant by that? Naturopathy News believes that a healthy life is not just about the absence of disease and its symptoms, but that it's about

  • to feel well physically and mentally

  • master daily challenges with energy and motivation as well

  • successfully manage stress

  • Important to achieve this level of overall well-being is a balanced diet, adequate

  • exercise, a well-regulated routine, enough time for family and friends, and overall satisfaction and gratitude for what you have.

But why does it seem difficult to finally put a healthy lifestyle into action?


Well: Due to constant accessibility and growing pressure - for example, concerning the compatibility of career and family - we already have to face a variety of demands in everyday life that previous generations were not exposed to.

At the same time, a healthy life always means being aware of oneself - one's likes and dislikes - and trying to balance them. But many people find it difficult to recognize or recognize the needs of their bodies and their souls. The result of this decreased self-awareness: inadequate stress resistance, overweight, musculoskeletal disorders, mood swings, just to name a few.

For the treatment of these classic everyday diseases, alternative medicine can usefully complement the conventional medical approach. On our pages, we would like to suggest alternative medical methods and therapies in your area that will help you live a balanced life and stay healthy.

Do not let it get you to the disease first - take care


In order to avoid depression and burnout, it is very important to prepare ourselves against the disease maker stress. A diet change can z. B. within a short time not only to a weight loss, but also lead to an improved body sensation and a more stable immune system. Eating well is for most people just a matter of habit. Even the lower consumption of alcohol and sugar is a step in the right direction.

But even the direct environment - for example, your own home - has a significant impact on our (well) being.

Methods of prevention and their goals:

Ayurveda / Yoga: diet change, body control, breathing technique, mental concentration

Health advice: diet change, hay fever, allergies, stress counseling / coaching
Healthy living: environmentally friendly building materials, floor coverings and furniture, reduction of electrosmog

Air purifier guide: Cleaning the air of pollutants such as smoke, pollen, animal hair, viruses and bacteria, (fine) dust, mold, pollutants
Naturopathic treatment for acute and chronic conditions

Sometimes, unfortunately, "the child fell into the well" - the emotional and / or physical balance is so bad that we are accompanied by chronic states of exhaustion or pain, our vitality diminishes noticeably.

For these situations, we have researched for you alternative medical therapies in your direct environment.

Therapeutic measures and in which cases they u. a. be used:

TCM / Traditional Chinese Medicine: Pain, Indigestion, Allergies, Respiratory Diseases, Acupuncture
Osteopathy therapy: Musculoskeletal disorders (back, neck, joints), indigestion, headaches / migraines, dizziness, injuries and injuries

Feldenkrais method: birth preparation, tinnitus, improvement of movement, as support for rehabilitation after accidents or strokes and in cancer therapy
Hypnotherapy: Trauma management, fears / phobias, losing weight, smoking cessation

Naturopaths: diet change, relaxation training, energy and consciousness work, herbal medicine, massages, Bach flowers, Schüßler salts, spagyric, talk therapy
Homeopathy: chronic complaints, allergies, susceptibility to infections, menopausal symptoms, mental stress

Heal without medication


To find the right therapy and the right specialist for your complaints, it means above all: Pay attention to the signs that your body gives you. Pay attention to what is good for you.

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