Aurora- Tale of The Starry Temple


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Chaos- The Beginning

 It happened quickly, the fact that the news spread so far throughout the kingdom, throughout Aurora shocked even me. It was the news of our destruction, the prophecy of disaster was devastating. Screams roared throughout the kingdom, people were in panic, children of innocence confused, and most of the elderly awaiting their end. We thought at first that this prophecy was not but a foreseeing, that was until we got a glimpse of what's to come. Our demise was certain once we first bear witness to the death of our leader, our king.

Although despair was caused from this unholy tragedy, the kings son the prince made it certain that him, the kings successor would not fail the people. Even after the kings death the only ones to stay strong were the kings army and the kings son. Although they wanted to mourn over their great advisors death they knew that without support to lean on that people would lose even the slightest chance of surviving. In truth not even I thought we had a chance in this time of chaos, not even I who is responsible for this mess had hope that humanity could stand a chance. 

It was about three days ago, three days ago we were told of the horrible fate that awaits us a path with no light at the end of the road. But even before that I've caused a major flaw, probably my first major flaw since I was born into the world I now wish to protect. It happened at least two years ago, the day I created the trigger that'll be pulled upon the somewhat peaceful life we all have lived, at that time I Abel Shorewind created the disaster that will follow a great flow in history, a disaster that will put a create a void throughout all of aurora.

(Original story from wattpad)

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