The Shadow of a King


Tablo reader up chevron

Chapter 1

Hidden In the shadows of a dark alleyway a teenage girl let out a sigh of relief. I hope I lost them she thought silently to her self. She had just escaped from the city guards. Suddenly a guard looking for her checks the ally way. She tries to make her self as small as possible so he doesn't notice her. Unluckily for her he does. There she is he shouts out for the other guards to hear. She quickly gets up and runs down the alley away from the guards. Weaving through the alley way the girl wondered how she got into these situations. As she ran she looked around for places she could hid and lay low for a couple days.The city's guards were persistent last time they searched for her for her for three days. As she was running she saw a small  alcove in the roofing of a building that over looks the market. She decided it was a good vantage point. As the guards chased her she used a special skill that her father taught her called fade. The skill allowed her to  fade into the shadows for a couple seconds. Still the guards were able to continue to pursue her. She ran through the market. Because of all the people it was hard for the guards to find her because she just blended in with the crowed. As she was walking she swiped a decent quality dagger and walked around trying to sell it for food.

Unbeknownst to her there was a boy about her age watching her from the shadows. He had been watching her since she first stole the food that caused her to be chased by the city guard. He was so amazed by her skill that he decided to follow her too see how skilled she was. He wanted to learn how to do what she does.  He wanted  to learn how to blend into the shadows and free run. So he continued to follow her quietly.

After three hours of trying she finally found  a woman who decided to buy the dagger for her son. She planned to run the same con again the next week. As she was about to go to the hiding place she saw while she was running she felt a presence following her. She cautiously picked up her pace and ducked into a nearby alley and waited in the shadows. A no less than two minutes later a boy around her age walked into the alley. He took a couple steps into the alley looking around. Probably for me she thought to her 






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