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Chapter 1

 Sur or Sub refers to a Comparatively super rendering or submission is a built in capacity in all of the creations by the creator.

Artificial intelligence experiences a greater account  of submission and surrendering on its establishments. While actions are initiated, the controls are also simultaneously initiated with full priority. The creators are given and assured full controllability. The volatile areas which are so vulnerable during certain operations are more often concealed rather than revealed. Interactions are only given full permission for the areas where the security and control can be assured at all extends.

That is comparatively super rendering or submission is built in with such capabilities.

Building an infrastructure for the activity that is prioritised and carried out by an entity to comply with the environment within the rules and regulations  only could give rise to a smooth functioning of that entity. Comparatively super rendering and submission always supports smooth functioning.

 Violation of that would always suggest a super fast eviction of that functioning entity so that the damage that could result in the aftermath could be avoided .

Garden  in my perspective 

God created his designs on a seven day scheduled plan. Each entity designed had a comparatively super rendering and submission capability which was made with ease to carry on. First day god spoke light into existence and god separated light from 5he dark and called the dark ness as night and the light as day. God created the stars and the starry hosts and all were commanded with super rendition and submission. Made the fouls of the air and the animals of the sea with super rendition and submission and also the plants and the and beast of the land with super rendition and submission.

Finally the human creation formed out of the soil in the image and in the likeness of god out of the breath of god with comparatively super rendering and submission with so much ease.

All creations on all of the scheduled six days of creations have been given super comparatively highly suggested submission and rendition to a seventh day scheduled rest, yes rest from all its activities.

Each entity was given a cognitive orderly rendering and submission rules to one another emphasising smooth dependancy towards one another. Finally everything is connected to a comparatively super rendering and submission towards the creator for the whole some control in a much easy way.

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 Power of submission and surrender for the cause of the living, to cause a living can take to depths of greater extent which can go to unimaginable lengths, heights, breath .

As life of every living is in the blood, to redeem all Jesus has to submit and surrender to be in the blood, that is to be in the human and he has to submit his blood in the altar and so he has to submit his body for his blood to be taken out. 

When he gave his life in the cross, his spirit went into the hades where all the living go after their death and the hell and the hades went in through the spirit of Jesus Christ to hold on him in the hell and the hades created, but could not hold him, for they could not get any hold to hold him there. So Jesus was proven with the glory of god, with all might in making, creating and all powerful the hell could not hold his presence and he took the keys of hades and death which is connected to sin.

He preached about god and his plan of redemption to the souls there.

Goodness of god offered them a comparatively super submission and rendering towards redemption and they were set free from the chains of the hell.

Jesus with his blood went to heaven to offer in the altar of god as a remission of all our sins.

Our part is believe in him through comparatively super rendering and submission to become children of god.
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 First violation and its effects

God commanded its creations for a comparatively super surrender and rendering towards the human he had created in his image and his likeness to whom in turn he has commanded to rule, reign, have dominion and to multiply.

Foremost comparatively super rendering and submission is demanded on not eating the fruit from the tree which gives knowledge of knowing the good and the bad. All were dressed with the glory of god. Everything in each way is special exhibiting the glory of god. continuous rendering and submission as designed and a cognitive sustainability of supportive existence is formed.

All submission and rendering towards one another made easy to become more effective and efficient.

Rules obeyed ,results obtained 100%. One human became 2 and the intelligence and knowledge went high. God asked Adam to name the creations. Knowledge sharing among the creations were increased. 

Serpent became increasingly crafty. New amusements and new opportunities opened new operations within the creations capability within its redundancy. 

Knowledge domain activation was a huge interesting and amusing function. Every time a new thing came to be known, it’s celebrated like a new family came into existence and it’s appreciated with god the creator which is a really respected ovation for both the creations to possess it and also to the creator who owns it. Everything in the garden is so lively and the tree of knowledge with good and evil was also anxious for the moment of its consumption by the authorities to whom it was subjected by its creator, the lord god.

Knowledge sharing domain not only kindled the atmosphere in the garden but also outside. Other creations of other universes just passed by witnessing, for that itself is so knowledgeable.

It didn’t fail to pull the strings of lucifer who know and had access to the secret places of heaven and many universes. God has given full authority of the garden to Adam and Eve. As the days are filled with more of the knowledge sharing and amusements that included applauds for the best. Variations began to arrive in the garden for the first time.

Previously human who were created in the image and in the likeness of God saw no difference when god came in the evening to visit them. A very much of a friendly atmosphere there. As knowledge sharing began they began to bring in the concept of the creator and creations.   

The stretch of the creations and the creator as it extended began to create a void in the relationship of the creator and the creations which lost its lustre in the friendship too. It is in such a way the garden that is the paradise began to have and build in different spheres like the stratosphere , troposphere, atmosphere etc. and the dust. As the gap between the most and the least widens the true knowledge had its crafts. Make up with the knowledge increased and the serpent was found to be more crafty.

Knowledge was still an amusement and the tree of knowledge was finding its moment of maturity to be used up. Lucifer who was so intelligently created too want to take part in his share by playing with his knowledge in the wrong way which seemed to be right in his way.

As the serpent was doing many make ups with its knowledge and becoming more crafty, lucifer found the serpent to be useful for his project to work with. He touched the serpent with more craftiness with its magical powers like impersonating, mind travel away from the garden while the serpent is still in the garden by giving it extraordinary experiences that would still get the serpent a place in the craftiness speciality.  The serpent’s most likely craft was when lucifer gets inside it and takes him out of the world.

As Adam and Eve found more interesting craftiness to adorn they permitted the serpent inside the garden with their given authority.

As it happened in the life of Father Abraham, when god took him to a spiritual experience revealing that his descendants will be captive for four hundred and thirty years in Egypt and then will possess the land promised to them. God told Adam about an event of them getting inside a foreign land which will be outside the garden and finally they will get to the promised land.

Comparatively super rendition and submission became difficult as the void increases in the garden.

Lauded as the most craftiest creature the serpent was moving with great splendour giving lucifer a ride on it. As Adam and Eve were driven by the craftiness concept they took an unusual event of lucifer who was so jealous of the modesty life they had with full authority and freedom. Every movement of them was notified and plan was drawn.

Now lucifer was easily carrying out to ousted the human out of their comparatively super rendering and submission to god. He was building his own impersonating kingdom rule and he felt achieved by getting the human under r him is like getting god under him .

He know not the love that built human in God’s image and in his likeness and it’s not impersonating.

Impersonating began to do its work in the seventh day of God’s schedule his rest. The serpent impersonated the devil and made to feel the delight and getting tired of it which made the creations to feel to take rest which is actually the physical rest as the real rest. Comparatively super surrender and submission to god has the perfect rest in it. All creations are scheduled to have the rest in god  in the seventh day which can’t be attained by impersonating. True rest has the potential of the fullness to revitalise all creations to stand up to its fullness.

He know not that love could rebuild them with its capability. Lucifer know not about the love or the depth of it or the salvation plan which is filled with God’s love and that is the uniqueness of the creations and it’s existence and the recovery system in operation with the redemption of the comparatively super rendering and submission that is made with ease.
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