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Chapter 1

The morgue sat at about 65 degrees Fahrenheit that September morning. The grey walls reminding you of how death was at every corner, patiently waiting for us all. About 10 feet away from me sat another lifeless corpse on the table, the white sheet carefully placed over his torso and mid section.

"Hello Mr.Matthews?" A voice called out. Turning around, I stuck my hand out.


The older gentleman quickly walked over to me, matching my gesture then he firmly shook my hand.

"I'm James."

I tried to smile but it came out rather fake.

"I'm Bane."

He smiled, pulling his hand away from mine.

"Pleasure to meet you."

With a nod, the smile melted off of his face as he looked past me onto the corpse laying behind us.

"Shall we?" He said as he grabbed the clipboard off the edge of the table.

I nodded following behind him, trying my best not to trip over my feet. He stopped and turned facing the body.

"Aidle Pearson is the 2nd victim of what we think is the start up of an old case." He said as he flipped the first page up.

"The two victims have a pentagram both on their sides." He said as he pulled the sheet down pointing to the marking.

"Jesus, that looks like it was..."

"Burned into him? We believe the marking was carved into Aidel and then burned into him." Taking a magnifying glass out of his left pocket, putting it up to the symbol.

A wave of nausea swept over me, clearing my throat to keep the vomit from coming up.

"So he was branded before his death?"

The doctor nodded his head, his eyes glistened with tears.

"That it would appear so." He said as his voice slightly cracked.

"I remember seeing his missing person flyer all over town for weeks. Such a sweet kid, a really good church going kid."

My eyes shifted over to him.

"Wasn't his family really high up in the church?"

The doctor nodded.

"Was anyone at the church questioned after they found his body?"

The doctor turned his head towards me, his head cocked to the side.

"I do believe the priest was questioned, maybe a couple nuns as well."

"Do you know the name of the detective that questioned them? I'd like to talk more to the officials of the church."

He placed his right hand on the table, gently bobbing his head back and forth in deep thought.

"His name is Jamie, from what I can recall." I nodded my head, taking out my notepad I scribbled the name on a piece of paper.

"He isn't a detective like you, I do know that."

My head snapped up.

"How did he even know about the case? It hasn't been released to the public yet." I said as I scratched my head trying to understand.

He giggled quietly, turning his attention back to Aidel.

"He's a psychic for the police department."




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