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1: Life On A Cruise

 Today was the day. I was about to walk away from the small town I have always called home. I will finally be free, free to go wherever I please and do whatever I want. I'm going away to Hawaii on a cruise.

I placed the last piece of clothing into my suitcase carefully zipping it up; my hands sweating. I heard the beep of my dads rusty car outside and ran downstairs. It would only be a matter of time until I would be on that cruise having the time of my life.

A few minutes later, I jumped out of my dads rusty, old car kissing him goodbye and looked up to the glorious, white cruise in front of me. My eyes felt as if they were about to pop out of my sockets. The next thing I new I was walking up steps into the humongous beauty which stood before me. Seagulls screeched above my head as if they were trying to say goodbye. The gentle wind brushed past my hair sending a tiny shiver down my spine. This was it I was finally leaving. I dragged my tatty black suitcase behind me. I nearly collapsed as I saw what was inside, there was a giant swimming pool in the centre only a few metres away from reception. I smiled listening to all the laughs of children. I walked up to reception asking for my room key. I was in room '666'.

One hour later, I had unpacked and was ready to relax on the deck in my bikini. My carpet was pure white not a smudge of anything was to be seen. I had a faint wooden wardrobe ; because I didn't have many clothes it looked rather empty. There were tall glass windows at the other side of the room two of them being doors. I felt as it f the room was to fancy for me but it still made me happy. This was it. Part of my new life. Life on a cruise!

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