In My Imaginations🙇


Tablo reader up chevron

Chapter 1


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Chapter 1

 It's  6:45 a.m and the sun is up and shinning. I could see my sisters head from my side of the bed and let me just say  it wasn't the prettiest of sites. My name is Anne by the way and I just turned 17, I am in the 11th grade at West bridge high which in my opinion is a snobby school. I am sure your wondering  what a 17 year old plain Jane that shares a room with her 3 sisters is doing in a school thats clearly for rich kids. Well to be honest I am pretty smart,  quite frankly the smartest. I was given a scholarship to this school when I was about 15 and have been attending it eversince. Mom is down stairs and she is yelling my name. " Get ready fast Anne or the bus will leave you" I rush out of bed and quickly get ready. In a flash I gulp my breakfast down which was basically just a bowl of cereal. Bye Mom I said to my mother who worked in a retail shop a few blocks down the street. My Dad was nowhere to be seen. Mom says he died while my older sister Cammy says he left her for a younger, richer woman. I dont know who to believe because I had never met him. It's now about 07:50 a.m and I see the bright shine of yellow aproaching me, it's the bus. I get in and say hi to Carl the bus driver and take my seat in the back. The bus is empty as usual because I am the only one that takes it, all the other kids have cars or have drivers. I told you I was poor. Mom says if she could afford it she would buy me a bike. School starts at 08:15 so that means i have a few minutes to do everybody else's homework. Yes i know what your thinking . Why does she do everybody else's homework?? Well its because this means I get to touch Micheal O' Neal the hottest, most popular and richest guy in the whole entire school. His dad is co owner of microsoft and his mom owns part of Apple, and not apple the fruit I mean Apple the company. So yup he is pretty much money in a 17 year old boy.. Its always hectic but I always manage to get it done. The bell goes off and it's time for our weekly morning assembly. Principal Clinton is announcing and we all stare at him but all are in our own thoughts after a while we all clap hands and move off to our first class. I have Spanish first which basically means I will be with Michael who by the way sits right behind me. I take my seat, the teacher hasn't arrived yet and so the people start to chit chat and make noise. Oh no i moaned to myself here comes Mikaila Carter, the prettiest girl in school. She is flawless but also a basic mean girl she has never not missed a chance to make fun of my hand me down clothes or the fact that i take a bus while she drives a pink BMW convertable. Bang!  on my table " sup Anne the broke chick from losersville" i just stare at her, nobody says a word. She grabbs my bag and throws everything out. " whats this? " I get up from my seat to pick up my stuff, she pulls her leg out infront of me, I trip and fall. Everybody laughs and out of the pink I see a hand reach out to me. OMG I thought to myself, its Micheal he is helping me. Mikaila scoffs and asks him why he is helping me. He packs my bag for me and takes me out of class. I am now in the boys locker room and Michael is sitting next to me. I was so scared and happy at the same time. " I'm sorry for what happened. Are you okay??" I glance at his blue/green eyes and quickly reply with a basic yes. Why are we here I asked him. " I overheard the Principal say our Spanish teacher wont be here today and so I decided to take you outta there before things got worst". Oh okay uhm but why the locker room tho?? " because its pretty much my secret free from everybody spot".  I smile and he smiles back. 

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Chapter 2

The day went by fast and before I knew it I was at the bus stop waiting for Carl. Then outta nowhere a blue Mustang pulls up besides me and inside it was Michael. Get in he says, i will drop you off today. I was awstruck and litrally thought my emotional exitement was visible from the outside. Uhm no its cool I will wait for Carl. " no worries I've already spoken to  him, he is not coming I will drop you off today". Oh wow this is not happening but it also is. Keep it together Anne this is the love of your life I crazilly thought to myself.I play foolish and open the backseat door. " what are you doing? Come sit in the front with me". Oh okay its just that I thought you might not want to be seen with me. He laughs softly and responds with an I dont care about what they think. It was an akward drive and I needed to do or say something that will break the ice. He stares at me and i quickly look away, from my side eye I see him grin softly. We are not dating you know, he firmly says to me. Who are you talking about? I ask him in an even more firm yet shy voice. " me and Mikaila, I know the whole school thinks that way but nope thats not the case". Oh okay, why are you telling me this?? I asked with a bit of hesitation in my voice. " because i feel like you should know that about me. Plus I also never had a girlfriend before and also I am not as stupid as everyone thinks I am". I glare at him for a second and respond with, than why do you ask me to do your homework?? " because thats the only way I get to touch you". I remain quiet but inside I am exploding with joy. " why are you quiet say something". Finally my ugly house appears in the distance. I have never been so happy to see that shek excuse of a home. I point at my house and quickly get out of the car. " wait Anne can I get your number??" Sorry but I dont have a phone, I responded in a shy way. I thank him and quickly get in the house. The day was great. My sister Kisha was in the living room eating a slice of bread. Hey Kii wasup? She just stares at me. Sometimes she has issues and wakes up in her moods as tho she was a mother of 11, but we got used to it. Cammy says its because of the poverty that she is the way she is. Its night time and Mom should be home soon. We all had dinner already and I had just finished my homework but all I could think about was Micheal. I get in bed and started to look in the wall next to bed and smile oh so happily. Cammy walks in and asks me whats got me so happy. I tell her nothing and close my eyes to fall asleep, I cant wait for school tomorrow. 

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