League Of Legends


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League Of Legends… In Peace!

I know you had a long, hectic day. Now you just want to unwind, have a beer and play one game of League of Legends before you sleep. But your buddy Mark kept pestering you to play ‘just one more game, Jake…if you dare’. You, wanting to defend your level 30, fall for it; and ‘just one more game’ turns into a feverish battle between you and Jake, which doesn’t end until you realize with a start that the time is 4:30am, and you have to leave the house by 6am to avoid receiving a query at the office. This means you spend the whole day with eye bags, a bad temper from too little sleep, trying to make sure your boss doesn’t catch you sleeping...and that can’t be easy.

You can avoid all that; simply appear offline on LoL. You can enjoy your solo game, go off whenever you want and not appear rude, or even choose skins and buy champions without disturbance. 


Block the server’s IP address and add a rule on your firewall that disconnects you from the server. It doesn’t affect your live games, and it’s super easy to reverse. Just do the following:

  • Open up the command prompt as admin – cmd.exe. Right-click and select “Run as Administrator”
  • Copy the following text:

netshadvfirewall add rule

name=”lol” dir=out


protocol=TCP action=block                (for players in North America)

netshadvfirewall add rule

name=”lol” dir=out


protocol=TCP action=block                (for players in Europe West)

  • Paste the copied text in the prompt box, and hit the ‘enter’ button. An ‘Okay’ will appear in the command box, indicating that you’re good to go.

To appear back online, open the command prompt – cmd.exe and run it as an administrator again. Copy the following text: 

netshadvfirewall delete rule


Then paste in the prompt box and enter. This deletes the rule you created that made you appear offline.

Make sure you run cmd.exe as an administrator, and check that the text is correct, to ensure success.

Another method is using a third-party software called Deceive to block your connection to the LoL chat servers, preventing anyone from knowing when you log in. Here’s how you do it:

Deceive is safe and legal, and it works with all League of Legends servers. If it doesn’t work with yours, relaunch the LoL a couple of times, and check again that you’re running cmd.exe in admin mode with the Deceive client; if it still persists, try uninstalling LoL and reinstalling it.

There you have it. Now Mark can no longer blackmail you into staying awake on a weekday night. Enjoy your solo games and ‘you’ time!


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