Written Worship


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Words can become routine. Singing a song of worship can be done while checking off the list of things that still need to be done, or while doing laundry. Sometimes, mustering the songs of a familiar worship song with a fresh meaning can be difficult, particularly in times of great oppression. 

I was once told, "Worshipers are the warriors." I believe it. But how can I worship, if it becomes routine?

One of my favorite ways to worship God is through writing. That is part of what you will find here. But sometimes, when seeking God--when worshiping him--I see things. I was once told that it was a vision, but visions have always sounded like a dream when you're awake. Clear, but your not in control.

I can tamper with what I see. Perhaps it's only my imagination. But it's a place where I find myself in a position to see how God works, interact with Him, and worship Him. Sometimes I learn, sometimes I admire, but each time I see.

So here, I will write the things I see as an act of worship to God. Whether any would be interested in reading such things, I do not know. But perhaps writing them here will bring God more glory, somehow. In which case, I would be honored to do so. Honored to look back in later years, and praise God for what I saw in 2014. 

Whether it be a strong imagination or something more, I find it to be the method in which I praise God. So I will praise Him, unashamed, in a place for the world to see. And I will honor him with my heart, my mind, and all that I have in me. With all that I have to give.

I am His.


May he who has ears to hear and eyes to see glean whatever my Father has for him. 

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Chapter 1

I could feel his hand in mine, see him clearly despite the raging seas splashing water between us. He was excited-- it was obvious in his demenour. And I trailed behind him, never letting go of his grip. 

We were walking on water one minute, and sprinting the next.

I couldn't help but laugh. We ran confidentally, though we had no destination that I knew of. But it was fun. As I quit trailing behind, and ran beside him, he lifted my arm and turned me as one might do in a dance. I spun, sprinted, spun, and ran some more. Elated, I laughed, and found the experience fun. The storm began to quiet, the winds became less threatening, and the sea began the process of settling down. Soon, light broke through the still-present clouds, and the light blue nature of the water was revealed.

I was aware of this. It wasn't as though the storm wasn't there, and it wasn't like the storm had been stopped. 

But there was something about the man I was with, that was a more enchanting. Or, to be more accurate, he was more fun. Adventurous, exciting, pick your description. And even as the storm calmed, the sea settled, and we soon saw a storm in the distance. I looked to him, and saw the challenge in his eyes. Smiling, I could feel my eyes light up in a silent response. And we went running, towards the next storm.

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Chapter 2

One step at a time, I moved closer. On the ocean- towards my Lord.

But the rain came down harder, and the wind stronger, making it harder to see You. But I could still hear Your calm, steady voice. What You were saying, I couldn't tell, but I new You were there. Even as the first moment came, when I could not see You.

But still, the first thread of fear took hold of me. 

"Jesus!" I screamed, drowning out even your steady voice. My feet stumbled forward on the wave as I sought You, unable to see the only One who could bring calm to my soul. "Jesus! Jesus! JEESSSUSS!"

As I raced forward, each moment felt like hours--days--then eternities. I raced forward, with all the strength that I could muster. I choked on a sob, and to my horror, I realized I could no longer hear His voice. Rather than wait, I raced forward- or at least I thought it was forward. Was I even moving in the right direction?

"JESUS!" I fell to my knees, unconcerned by the waves and saltwater slapping the air. Eyes closed, breathing steady, my loud voice reached a whisper.

"Jesus. I need you."

A hand touched my head--one I had felt many times before. I reached for the hand, my misty eyes looking up to behold my savior. In that moment, the skies and seas cleared, and I could see my savior more clearly than before. He held my arm and helped me stand, patiently holding me as I hugged him. Into my ear, He spoke words that would have struck me as strange seconds ago.

"Why did you worry?"

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