How Dementia Affects Families


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How Dementia Affects Families

Gerontology is a multidisciplinary field. It is researched not only in psychology but also in sociology and nursing. Gerontology is a study of aging. Dementia is a broad term, which refers to many symptoms such as memory loss, decline in thinking skills, impaired attention, and visual perception. The most common types of the ailment are Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia. One of the main risk factors for the illness is age. Consequently, the malady affects not only the elderly with dementia but also their family caregivers, but the impacts of the sickness are both positive and negative.

Old people who suffer from dementia are in need of constant care. The disorder rarely occurs among those younger than 60. However, after 60 this disease becomes a common one. That is why the elderly require special treatment to ensure the high quality of their lives. Moreover, old adults are more likely to have other health problems in addition to dementia. They complicate the treatment, as the cure for one illness may be unacceptable for another one. Consequently, the sickness affects not only senior citizens but also their family members, the ones who take care of their old relatives.

Reflecting a biblical worldview on dementia, well-being is defined by the presence of God. It means that the illness or distress does not set people apart from God and His favor. Moreover, He cares more for those who are in need. Dementia, as well as aging itself, often implies the loss of productivity. The elderly are afraid of it. They fear to be left lonely. Yet this anxiety has a compelling reason. Nowadays, when phrase ‘time is money’ became a life motto, few individuals look after their senior ill family members. They simply do not have enough time for them. Howell also adds that people need a new sense of time. Being with those with disability requires much patience. However, it is children’s duty to help their old and sick parents. The latter gave lives to their kids and taught them everything they knew.

Certainly, dementia affects families since it is a complex illness. The results of the polls showed that people are afraid of the disorder more than of cancer. The reason for this is that such an ailment addicts the mind. Howell tells a story of his friend, who suffered from Alzheimer’s disease. After he had passed away, his wife said that it felt like he died twice.

Dementia is considered to have detrimental impact on family caregivers. Caring for a relative with such a disorder is challenging. Carers observe difficult changes in the behavior of the ones they love. Moreover, it has a negative influence on the attendant’s psychological health. However, The Stories of People Living with Dementia demonstrate positive effect on the relationships between the sick and the attendants. Pedro, who is 44, nurses his mom, Mary, who is 75. Mary suffers from Alzheimer’s disease. For Pedro, it is his duty to care for his mother. He spends as much time as possible with her. Pedro is afraid to leave his mother alone for long because she often shows aggression towards other people. It happens when she has so-called bad days. Nevertheless, Pedro notes that the sickness has brought them closer together. In the healthy condition, she never cuddled him, but now she does it rather frequently. Pedro likes feeling himself needed and appreciated by his mother.

Though the impact of being a family caregiver is sometimes positive, it is generally negative. Invisible second patients – that is how relatives’ attendants are often called. They experience many difficulties such as social isolation, financial hardship, and psychological morbidity. There are numerous reasons why individuals become nurses. Firstly, it is a feeling of guilt because of the odd behavior and bad treatment in the past. Secondly, it is grief and loss. Some experience the deficiency of a person and the relationships. Lastly, it is anger. People feel angry at the need of being a caregiver. They think that nobody understands them and can help.

The research revealed that carers who are motivated by the feeling of guilt, grief, or sense of duty suffer from great psychological distress. However, as it has already been mentioned, family caregivers also experience positive emotions from being together with the ones they love, sharing activities, feeling spiritual growth, and increased faith. Nonetheless, nursing impairs careers, relationships, and child rearing. They frequently feel stressed, depressed, and have other health complications. Furthermore, the study showed that it is more difficult to attend to people with dementia than to disabled ones.

Another heartbreaking story is that of Mary and Donald. Mary looks after her elder brother Donald. Mary is 62, and Donald is 82. Mary is very sociable, but now she is socially isolated. She talks to her friends on the phone only. Moreover, her own health is poor. Mary suffers from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Nevertheless, she believes that it is her duty and responsibility to be the brother’s nurse. Mary is lucky to draw support from her daughter who regularly visits them. No matter how bad Mary feels, she will never place her sibling into a care home.

To conclude, dementia affects family members greatly. They are socially isolated, frequently in financial need, and have almost no free time. Moreover, such caregivers have poor psychological health because they have great empathy with their relatives who suffer from the ailment. However, the disease also has beneficial effects on the relationships of the nurse and the person with dementia. It brings people closer together, helps to rethink the way they treated each other in the past. From a biblical worldview, it is children’s duty to care for their parents. If someone is ill, it does not mean that he/she is far from God. Instead, the omnipresence of God can be felt.

About the author: Ri Willson works on the company which is known for providing the best academic papers in the business of academic writing. They have been doing custom paper writing for years and years now, so their writing skills are considered to be extremely proficient.

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