The parallel between the book “1984” and the politics of that time.


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Every student should know about one of the best books of the world literature is “1984” by George Orwell and read it. It is his last novel. This is a dystopia, which shows a society of totalitarian non-freedom. In such a society surveillance has been elevated into a kind of cult, when even close ones or relatives can turn you over to the authorities for false statements or even thoughts, the so-called thought-crimes. People here live in a closed world without any information about the past, because everything past is in the hands of the party, which is constantly changing it for itself.

Orwell brilliantly shows how a person who grew up in this world, who does not know anything about the past and does not represent an alternative, considers everything that happens to be the norm, which cannot and should not be otherwise. The novel shows how easy it is to manage people by changing the past and not providing them with only those sources of information that have been censored.

The novel “1984” has got many parallels with the politics of that time. Students often can receive the task to prepare any essay on this novel and real life. Reading and studying this masterpiece of classical literature is mandatory for all students who want to be highly educated people. They should know about the main message of the novel and the real political situation of that time. It is very useful for them to read such books. If students have some difficulties with their essay they can take inspiration from the examples on and find good samples. But it is better for young people to read this book and find out the main parallels with politics of that time.

The action of the novel takes place in the country of Oceania, which is constantly at war. Orwell described a model of society that, in his opinion, could have formed, for example, by 1984, if allowed undemocratic forces to come to power. The ideology and state repressive system depicted in the work resembled the Soviet Union.

The totalitarian system of Oceania is characterized by the presence of one party — “Eng sots” (English socialism), which controls absolutely everything. The one-party system itself is a sign of a lack of democracy (as in the Soviet Union). The leader of the party and, accordingly, the state, is the Big Brother, whose face is painted on many posters. By the way, the description of his appearance reminds us of Joseph Stalin (dark penetrating eyes, lush mustache, rough facial features).

At the same time, no one has ever seen the Big Brother and, most likely, he does not exist at all. A cult has been created around the personality of the country's leader, his image is shrouded in legends. In the eyes of the population, the Big Brother is practically a deity: he can do anything, they are afraid of him, they believe in him. “Big Brother is watching you” is the main slogan that keeps people in constant tension and a well-established system of surveillance, terror and propaganda has turned this slogan into reality.

In Oceania, as a totalitarian country, everyone is taught from childhood to serve the Big Brother and to love the Party. For example, the children's organization “Scouts” recruits children to perform tasks for the benefit of the Party: children are encouraged to eavesdrop and report to the Police Opinions about every step, every word of neighbors and even parents, after which they disappear. In the history of the twentieth century, only the totalitarian regimes of the Nazis and Communists used children for their own ends.

More parallels you can find after reading this great book.



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