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I Remember When ...

I remember when ... 
I used to painstakingly iron all my clothes each week.

Now, if I pull them from the dryer and they're wrinkled, back to the washer they go!  My last load took just three attemps before I finally got them out of the dryer wrinkle free. Google, I'm no fool ... I don't re-wash them. To remove those stubborn little wrinkles, a simple rinse will do.

I remember when ... 
I used to rinse the dishes right after dinner and very loaded the dishwasher like an engineer, taking care to leave enough room for the next day's dishes.

Anymore, I rinse them and leave them out on the countertop till the next day. Why spend all that unnecessary time scrubbing and bending over to load the dishwasher and back up again to scrub and bend over again, when you can load two, maybe even three day's worth of dishes into the dishwasher in one evening?

I remember when ... 
I used to mow my lawn every Friday, whether it needed it or not.

These days I've found a couple of neat little timesaving tricks. If you don't water the lawn, the grass doesn't grow so fast. I generally use the every other-week-watering method. It keeps the lawn dormant enough to save countless hours in mowing time.

Hey, we all get busy with our work, play, Facebook, Google and sleep time.

When I get behind every month, I use my weedeater on the entire lawn before mowing. Then I use the mower to vacuum the stuff up. There's only ONE problem when you mow just once a month, it's a little hard to spot Spot's spots in the lawn ... and I hate it when that happens.

I remember when ... 
I used to fold our towels and sheets fresh out of the dryer.

Lately, all I have time for is a quick shove in the linen closet. Hey, the towels end up hanging on the floor after our baths anyway, so why fold them to begin with? With sheets, it doesn't matter if there are wrinkles in them. By the time you finish stretching those double size fitted sheets over your queen size bed, trust me, there aren't any darned wrinkles left!

I remember when ... 
I used to clean up the kitchen every night, scrubbing every last crumb out of every nook and cranny.

New and improved methods are in the works daily. Why clean it up when it's just gonna get dirty in the morning?  Now, we just save it till the end of the week, and anything Spot didn't get, we scrape up.

I remember when ... 
I used to clean the microwave after every use.

Today, all I have to do is put a protective cover over the food before cooking. Funny, but the food seems to cook easier with the lids attached anyway.

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