How to translate Chinese address to English


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 How to translate Chinese address to English

Many people take the ability to write addresses for granted since the post has almost become obsolete. However, learning how to write addresses correctly is a necessary skill to develop, especially if you are looking to travel abroad. Translating addresses is often discouraged, but you will encounter the need to translate at some point. It is necessary to know how to translate addresses from English to other languages and vice versa. Here is how to translate Chinese address to English:


Smallest to biggest

Typically, Chinese addresses are written from the biggest location, then subsequently followed by the names and numbers of bigger locations. Addresses in English and many other languages, on the other hand, usually start with the smallest location followed by larger ones. Translating an address from Chinese to English thus means that you will have to arrange the address in reverse. If the address starts with the apartment number, building, road, and province, you will have to start with the province and end with apartment number when translating to English. Chinese addresses are also always split into two, so when translating into English, especially when writing in the American style, you should remember to combine them into one line.

Change the numbers to names

Addresses in China are usually indicated with numbers rather than names. Translating these places into English is, however, a different case because they have names in English. A block of flats that may have address numbers in Chinese will translate to a different name in English. Therefore, you should research the name of the place instead of writing the number used in the Chinese address.

Use online resources

One of the greatest benefits of technological advancement is that you can access any part of the world even though you do not understand the language. You can easily find a location through translation tools available on the internet. You will never get lost if you live in the internet age. If you are looking for the advanced translation of an address, then browse IsAccurate. How addresses are written in Chinese, differ significantly from how they are written in English. Finding a translation service to do the job will save you the unnecessary headache that will come with you trying to translate the address yourself. 

Leave out the unnecessary details

Chinese addresses often include the title of the recipient and the type of location. An English letter will read ‘To Mary Jane’ while the same recipient address could read ‘Miss Mary Jane.’ It is polite to add the title in a Chinese address, but it would be unnecessary when translated into English. Chinese addresses also specify the type of location of the address. You do not have to include this detail either when translating the address to English.

It would be best if you used a translation service to get the right address. 

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