Writing is interesting


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 I wrote my first story back in school. Since then, many years have passed, today in my archive there are two dozen small stories, a tale, and an unfinished novel on a historical theme, a kind of mixture of fantasy genre and history. Of course, I cannot call myself a famous and successful writer. But at the same time, I continue to write stories, although I'm not sure that I will ever want to publish them, somewhere besides my blog. And there are reasons for that. One of them is that I am quite critical of my work, and the second reason is that the success of my work largely depends on inspiration. In this small article, I want to tell a little bit about why it is worth writing texts and how to choose the genre that is closer to you.

The genre is a guaranteed target audience, it is a very important part of the writer's field of activity. Many authors tend to avoid discussing one genre, referring to the fact that their work is multi-genre. They believe that narrowing the creative field to a specific genre may deprive them of their potential readers. This point of view may be correct, but not for a beginner writer. In my opinion, you should certainly try yourself in different genres. Personally, I prefer the genre of fantasy and detective, but the latter is quite complex. To write a good work in the detective genre, you need not only to be able to come up with a plot and prescribe your characters in detail, but also to be able to keep the intrigue until the end of the story. And this skill comes only with experience.

In the genre literature, the main attention is paid to the plot, and it fits into certain, previously known frames.

This does not mean that all genre novels should be predictable. The skill of the writer is precisely to create a unique world, unforgettable characters, and an interesting way to get from point "A" (input data) to point "B" (plot conclusion) under given conditions.

As a rule, a genre work ends on a positive note, the author does not go deep into psychology and other high matter and tries to simply entertain the readers.

The main plot schemes in genre literature

Detective: crime - investigation - exposing the perpetrator.

Love story: heroes meet - fall in love - fight for love - connect hearts.

Thriller: the hero lived his ordinary life - there is a threat - the hero tries to escape - the hero gets rid of the danger.

Adventures: the hero sets a goal and, having overcome many obstacles, achieves what he wants.

When we talk about fiction, fantasy, historical or contemporary novel, it's not so much about the plot, as about the scenery, so the definition of the genre uses two or three terms that allow you to answer questions: "What happens in a novel?" and "Where does it happen? If we are talking about children's literature, then an appropriate note is made.

Examples: 'a modern love novel', 'a fantastic action film' (an action film is an adventure), 'a historical detective', 'a children's story.

To choose the right genre of fiction, the author must know himself well. Most people's specialization and universalization are not clearly expressed, and therefore the choice of direction in the art is often very difficult. Many people are mistaken, especially if there is no mentor nearby. This leads to disappointment, suffering, loss of time and money, and often to the abandonment of writing ambitions. But do not despair, believe in your strength, and you will succeed.




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