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Chapter 1


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Chapter 1

          It started with an invitation. Surprisingly, it ended with one as well. Unfortunately, the two couldn't have been more different.

          I blinked and slowly pushed myself up onto my elbows. My back ached and I reached over my shoulder and rubbed at it, groaning. I swung my feet over the edge of my bed and stood up unsteadily. I shuffled into the bathroom and turned warily toward the mirror. I met eyes with a hunched over, baggy-eyed corpse. We had met before. In the windshield of my car. The shop windows with the colorful displays. The pond on the stillest of days. We were already acquaintances, her and I. Every morning was another goodbye. I leaned over the sink and let the water rush over my features, washing her away. She hardly ever stayed too long. Just long enough to make me mildly uncomfortable, like the stagnant air on a temperate day, where nothing seems to move. I stood back up. I reached my hand up into my hair and pulled the clip out. I watched the short, brown locks tumble around my face, just barely brushing my shoulders. I smiled at the new reflection. Welcome back Bea.

          I walked, swaying cheerfully, to my closet and opened the doors. I reached in and withdrew a black, spaghetti-strap tank-top and slipped it on. I pulled a blue checkered flannel up over my shoulders and wiggled into a pair of white skinny jeans. I pulled on my mint blue converse and carefully tied the laces. Today was the day of my audition and I couldn't mess it up.

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