Fire And Ice


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Chapter 1

 I fall. The wind below me runs through me. With my hair in my face, it feels pretty good. I'm about to say goodbye... Or am I going to say good bye....

One year earlier...

 I woke up to the light tapping sound of rain on my window. I'm still tried, why can't I just go back to sleep? Oh wait, I know why. I was a complete idiot and forgot my essay for Langue Arts was due today and I spent all of last night trying to finish. I'm good at writing and telling stories, but not good with due dates. 

I got up, got dress and so on. Today, it just didn't feel right. I had a gut feeling that something horrible was going to happen. But I brushed it off and continued living life. Let just say, I really wish I didn't brush it off...

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Chapter 2

 Today was really, really boring. I only had a small group of friends but I was really greatful. I loved all of my friends. But there was this one person. I'm falling for him. He knows my reputation at this school. He is the bad boy of the school. His name, Randy Gemborys. 

No one really knew who he was. He just was that one person that would randomly disappear. He was once my best friend when we were little. I'm the only one who knows his backround story. Anyways, he was my best friend until.....the abuse got worse.

He would usually sneak over to my house and would practically live there. His parents and my parents had enough. My parents tried calling social services but when they came, Randy and his parents lied saying everything was fine. The next day he moved away. I never saw him again.....until we met in middle school. Now we are both in high school.

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Chapter 3

 I forgot to tell you my name didn't I? Ha! I'm such an idiot. My name is Bellatrix Lockhart. Why didn't I tell you this in the first chapter. Here is about my past. When I was around 4 years old my parents split. Soon my mom married a bozo and they have been together for 5 years. I hate my step dad. I think of him as a drunk, lying, cheating- ok. Maybe I should keep my language clean so I'm going to say idiot. 

"So Bell, how is your....thing?" Did I mention I'm depressed and suicidal? "Fine." I lied. Everyday I had to lie about being ok. It was around lunch time and I was sitting with my friends Nicole and Grace. "You say that everyday. Why don't you just tell us the truth?" Nicole said. "What is there to talk about? Let's talk about something else." I remarked. "Ok. So, did you here about Randy and Kevin?" Grace asked. Kevin is my ex. We are friends but I think he thinks of me more. "What happen this time?" I asked. Kevin and Randy are enemies and everyone knew about it. Even the principal.

"There fighting over you." Grace said. I nearly choked on my water. "What!?" I said. "Yeah. There having a fight after school to prove which one is right for you." Nicole said. "Umm... In that case, I'm not going after anyone." I said.

 "Oh come on. We all know you like Randy." Grace teased me about. I blushed. "S-shut up. I don't know why they would carry this on to a fight. Can't they just ask me which one I like more?" I asked. "Nope." Grace and Nicole said at the same time. "Ugh." I remarked. 

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