2GOI5 - The Beginnings


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A young pirate looses everything in her life, stranded on the streets of England, she runs into a lost "alien" from Zivirax. The alien seems like an ordinary girl yet, she convinces the pirate to go on an adventure with her and together they change the past.

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Chapter 1

    A crash of lightening followed closely by thunder rumbled and shook the ship, Gimmy Chicken. A Storm was brewing up outside while the crew slept silently down bellow.

    Another crash of lightening and a small girl shot up in her cot, clutching her heart with her hands. Beads of sweat rolled down her face as she breathed heavily. Her heart pounded in her chest so hard that just lightly touching her chest she could feel it. All she could hear was the pounding of her heart in her ears.

    Thump thump thump thump.

    She takes a look around the room and with a breath of relief she relaxed back into her cot. She steadied her breath as to slow her heart pace down.

    She lies back down but for the rest of the night she was unable to sleep. The storm outside raged on.


In the early morning she got out of her cot, thinking it was early enough that no one would be wandering around the ship.

    She made her way towards the captain’s quarters and, with a quick look around to make sure she wasn’t seen, she slipped into the room.

    There were two beds, one on one side of the room and the other exactly opposite of that. Both beds were occupied, each with a captain soundly asleep.

    The Grimmy Chicken was captained by two women, Captain Minty and Captain Squirt. Many years ago they had landed on an island that was far away from any other. They were in hot pursuit of some murderous Vikings however, the Vikings had got to the small island before they could help.

    Most every man, woman and child was slaughtered. The small huts were all burnt and some still burning. The crew of the Grimmy Chicken scoured the place looking for survivors but came up with nothing.

    As they were boarding their ship Captain Squirt heard a quiet squeak. She knew the voice came from a small child. To her left sat a bush where she found a small girl hiding, to adults lay next to her, dead.

    They assumed those adults were her parents and this little girl was the only survivor of her island. Both captains took pity on the small child and accepted her into the crew. The girl was no older than three and seemed to be traumatized by what she had seen. The only information they could get out of her was her name:

    Argyle Socks.

    “Shhh,”  A silent voice came from one of the captain’s beds. “Socks is here.”

    “Where?” Ask a not-so-quiet voice.

    “SHHHH!” The first voice said louder. “Over there, on the chair.” Captain Minty motioned towards a chair in the middle of the room where the young girl lay asleep.

    Both captains got out of their bed. Minty took one of her blankets off of her bed and gently placed it on the sleep Socks.

    Upon feeling the touch Argyle Socks jumps awake.

    “Aw man,” Minty whined. “We were going to let you sleep in.”

    “Having bad dreams again?” Squirt Asked.

    Socks nodded, “The ones with the fire everywhere, trying to engulf me!” Socks’ panic started to rise. “But this time, the Vikings were there and they had a knife to my throat. I woke up right as they drew the blade across my throat.” Beads of sweat formed on Socks’ forehead.

    “Calm down,” Minty says soothingly, putting a hand on Socks’ back. “You don’t have to worry about those dreams. You know how it really ended, right?”

    Socks nodded.

    “We jumped in and save you!” Squirt shouted doing a heroic pose.

    Socks heaved a heavy breath and stood up, “Let’s get to work then.” She gave them a small, weak smile.

    To her and everyone else on the ship it was a mystery why only she had lived the Viking attack. Not a single soul lived except hers.

    She sent silent prayer thanking God for saving her and hopeful wishes that her parents were doing well. Sometimes she’d ponder over what her parents were doing now, probably watching over her like a guardian angel from Heaven.

    Another thing she pondered was how her life might have turned out if her parents were still alive. However, Socks tried not to think too much about it, don’t cling to something that can’t happen.

    Argyle Socks made her way down to the kitchen and found Kooc the ship’s cook. She pulled out her stool and sat down, grabbing a knife and potatoes.

    Socks was rarely required to do anything on the ship however, one thing Socks tended to do was help cook food for the crew. She didn’t mind it, unlike the stereotypes, she found it quite enjoyable. Once she’d get into the rhythm of, slice, twirl, slice, twirl, Socks would slip into her day dreaming, mostly about what kind of life she’d have in the future.

    Socks imagined herself having a big ship with the blackest of wood and black sails. She saw herself as the captain, Captain Argyle Socks of the feared pirate ship the Trouble. She’d swing from the ropes of the sails and everyone would fear her to some degree.

    Socks smiled at the thought of being feared even though she was only a bit more than four feet tall and has to literally look up to everyone.

    “Socks! You trying to ruin the food,” Questioned Kooc .

    Socks snapped out of her daydream and looked down at the potato she was pealing. There was a deep red liquid running down the side. Socks moved her finger to find that she had nicked her thumb.

    “Sorry,” Socks apologized.

    She threw out the potato and stuck her bleeding thumb in her mouth. She sucked the warm, copper tasting liquid until it stopped flowing.

    “I can’t believe you do that,” Kooc said slightly disgusted by Socks.

    “It’s not really all that bad,” Socks consulted. “Just don’t ingest any that isn’t your own and don’t ingest too much. Do so, and you might die if you don’t throw it up first.”

    Kooc stood there stunned as Socks, dead serious, told him the facts. Once she finished he just chuckled and patted her on the back.

    “I don’t know where you learn these things but at least I know you could save me unlike all the other dim minded crew that we have here.”  Both Socks and Kooc laughed at that one.

    The majority of the crew was not super bright. If they didn’t have someone to lead them like Captain Squirt and Minty who knows what kind of trouble they’d get themselves in. They probably couldn’t last one week without someone giving them directions.

    Socks continued her potato slicing, getting close to finishing. Kooc started whistling a happy tune which caught Sock’s attention. Kooc wasn’t known to show much emotion except when it was just him and Socks in the kitchen however, it was never very much emotion. For Kooc to be whistling happily was a bit of a shock.

    “Is something wrong,” Socks asked a bit timidly.

    “The exact opposite,” Kooc cheered back.

    Socks tossed the last skinned potato into the barrel. “Then what is it?” She then lifted the big, heavy barrel with a grunt.

    Kooc turned to face Socks and lifted the barrel onto the counter for her. “Why tomorrow we are docking in my town.” Kooc wore a big silly grin on his face.

    “Why are you so excited about that?” Socks pulled a stool over, stood on it and started chopping up the potatoes into chunks then throwing them into a large pot of boiling watering that was on the stove next her.

    “Because,” Kooc started and assisted Socks in cutting the potatoes. “My wife and son will be waiting for me. It’s almost been four years now and soon my son will be six years old. Man,” Kooc sighs. “Time sure does fly.”

    Socks thought about how it would be to have a family to come home to. She could imagine opening the door to a small house and being surrounded in a sweet aroma of pastries and stew and all the other wonderful treats she could possibly think of.

    A burning sensation on Socks’ hand brought her back to the cold reality. She had thrown pieces of potatoes in a bit too hard and some of the boiling water slashed onto her hand. Taking care of it was ease, Socks just ran her hands under cold water for five minutes and that pain was almost completely got. The pain of reality however, still burned.

    No one would really be waiting for Socks’ return. No house to come home to, no homemade food to share with family. The harsh reality for Socks was that she was all alone in this cold, foreign world.

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The Red Dutchess (Chapter pulled from the middle of the book)


 Karaoke and Argyle Socks have been sent back in time where they met Enstine. They made pocket watches, called the TAPS, so that they can travel through time at anytime. They attempted to return back to their normal time but ended up being sent even farther back, to 1492.

This is told in the Red Dutchess' perspective)


    The Red Dutchess. That's what everybody calls me because I have flame red hair. I hate the name but everybody who has ever heard of the name has learned to fear it so I put up with it.

    My red hair come from the Ireland and Scotland blood that runs through my veins. I mainly wear only the color black, trying to drown out the redness in my hair but it never works. I didn't get to chose my heritage but oh well, people have learned to very much respect me.

    Currently Christopher Columbus is planning on doing an expedition to find the "New world". Little does he know it has already been discovered. By me. And I want it to stay that way. No one else will ever take it from me.

    I have found many people against this plan of Columbus's. Secretly, I’ve talked to each of them and together we will form a mutiny to stop this expedition.

    Occasionally we'd meet up in the thickest part of the woods and discuss our plan. There are near a hundred fifty people ready at my command, ready to attack and destroy the four ships Columbus plans to sail on.

    We finally set a date, August 1st, 1492. But on the night before, I decided to take a couple supplies from the ships before they become destroyed.

    As I stood on the banks of the ocean, cloaked in my black cloak with the hood up, a slight breeze passes by in the dark night and my cloak billowed in the wind. I choose to start with the largest ship, the Pon Pon.

    As I swiftly climb aboard without a person seeing me, I sneak down underneath to the cargo. Once there I hear a crack that sounded like lightening and a thud on the upper deck. Strange, I didn't think it looked like there'd be a lightning storm tonight.

    I continue to rummage around, looking for anything of value, and putting it in my satchel that I have hidden under my cloak. I wasn't even here for more than ten minutes before I hear a ton of yelling outside of the ship. What's going on out there?

    The entire shipped jerked and I stumble backwards trying to regain my balance but instead trip over a metal candlestick holder and fall onto the ground. As I fell my back slammed against wooden crates, which made them tumble down near me. Thankfully only one landed on me, on my stomach. I let out a groan as the crate was not light when it landed me.

    Suddenly everything went quiet. The people's yelling voices from outside seemed to have disappeared and the ship was definitely moving. We couldn't have possibly sailed away from the shore that fast that we couldn't hear the people yelling anymore. Whats going on up there? I shove the crate off of me and pull out my sword that was strapped to my hip.

    Quietly and slowly, I walk up the stairs to the main deck. When I'm near the top I stay low and listen to hear what's happening since I cannot yet see anything.

    "We did it! We did it!" A girl's voice cheers from up above.

    "Did you ever doubt us?" Another, younger, girl's voice says in reply to the first.

    I get up and bravely walk out into the open. The first thing I notice when I was out is it was no longer night, but dawn. The sun just rising over the horizon. But the most shocking part, we are no longer in Spain but somewhere else I've never seen before.

    "Ahoy!" The younger girl calls out. "Seems we have a lil' stow away."

    When I hear her call me little it angers me. I hate it when people refer to me by my small size.

    “What is that supposed to mean?” I yell back at her.

    “Aw nothin’.” She responds. “Just that you’re a wee one you are.”

    My temper rises.

    “Hi!” Yells out the older girl, who is shorter than the first but still taller than I. “What might be your name lass?”

    I straighten up and pull my cloak’s hood off. “Me, I’m the Red Dutchess.” I stare them down, even though they up in the forecastle near the wheel.

    I wait for them to react, regret what they’ve said to me. Rumors of me have spread around that I’ve killed people and lots of people fear me because of that. That, of course, is a rumor and not true. Well, nothing that people can prove at least.

    The girls don’t react. “Very nice to meet you! I’m Argyle Socks!” Says the older cheery girl while she gives me a wave with her hand. “And this here is Karaoke!” She points to the younger girl. “And we now are the proud owners of our very own pirate ship! Well...Our second ship.” She giggled at that.

    I put my sword away seeing these girls couldn’t harm me, and cross my arms. “What happened to your first ship?”

    “Oh, we wrecked it!” She laughed when she saw my shocked expression at hearing that.

    “Yeah.” Karaoke says leaning on the wheel. “We don’t quite know how to sail a ship yet.” And with that the wheel spins dropping Karaoke to the deck with a thud.

    The ship lurches to the right and I tumble to the side. I quickly run up to the wheel and steady the ship. Gosh, in no time they’ll end up crashing this ship too.

    “Heeeey!” Karaoke says laying on her side with her head propped up on her arm. “How about YOU be our navigator!”

    “No.” I reply simply.

    “But we can pay you!” Argyle Socks exclames. “With tons and tons of gold! Or with whatever you want!”

    I ponder over this. It’d be nice to have tons of wealth as I rule over my country. That is, if I can find it again.

    “Erm...Alright.” I agree. “But only after tomorrow night. When I stop Columbus from discovering the New World and I can rule over it myself as of, I discovered it first.”

    “Sorry sweet’art” Karaoke says in a British accent. “Columbus is long gone. You’ll no longer be seeing ‘im.”

    Before I can question this Argyle Socks slings her arm around my shoulders and excitedly says, “Welcome to the twenty first century!”

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