Workout Log


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3 Reasons Exercising May Be Bad For You

Exercise is a lifesaver. Ask people that have suffered from obesity but were rescued by exercise, and they'll explain better. You should train your body to perform above average, and one way to do that is to exercise your body. Workout log helps you stay on track so that you don't injure your body. 

Are you surprised to hear that exercising may be detrimental to your health? The truth is there are downsides to exercising, and this article helps to highlight those aspects. 

Here are some of the reasons exercise is bad for you:

It is addictive

A thing is said to be addictive when you do not stick to a plan but hold it in high esteem more than every other activity. Workout logs are vital because they help you monitor your progress and ensure you do not go out of hand. When you exercise consistently, the body produces endorphins that block pain and creates a feeling of happiness. Endorphins functions like morphine, and so can be addictive. Have you ever wondered why bodybuilders get depressed when they do not exercise for some days? Addiction is the reason they would not stay a minute without hitting the gym. If you tend to be addicted, get a workout log, and consider behavioral therapy. 

Exercise is associated with low self-esteem.

People workout to improve an aspect of their bodies. For instance, a woman with flat butts wants to exercise to improve her physique. Most of the time, they are too concerned about how they look that they do not appreciate themselves. Even after their butt improves, they are not satisfied and want more. They get depressed as they workout and may go extreme to get the "standard" body type. If you are this person with low self-esteem and running to exercises for solace, you should learn to love yourself. Know that you are the best human in the world and care less about your deficiencies. 

Excessive exercise can break up a family. 

I have heard of several couples who file a divorce because a partner does not keep a workout log but spends the whole day thinking about achieving a workout goal. When a partner spends less time with their spouse or children, they become emotionally disconnected from them and attached to the gym. Even if you think exercise is the best for you, take your family along with you. As you prepare a workout log for yourself, your kids and spouse should have one too. Evenings should be spent together with every member of the family engaging in one activity or another. 

You can now see the relationship between exercise, addiction, low self-esteem, and a broken home. If you are having a hard time balancing other activities with exercising, there is no better time getting a workout log.

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