8 Tips How To Fix Your Foundation Problems


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8 Tips How To Fix Your Foundation Problems

The concrete foundation beneath your house is the most crucial part of your house structure. That’s because it supports the entire weight of the building. Any issues with the foundation can put the structural integrity of your home at risk. Thus it is essential to keep an eye for any cracks and fissures down there.

Although all of the cracks are not serious enough to warrant professional attention, all of them need fixes in their initial stages. A homeowner can also fix the cracks on their own as long as the cracks are not threatening to structural integrity. When it is difficult to assess the severity of the issue on your own, you should hire a foundation inspector to have a look at cracks.

 Before you give a call to the best foundation repair services in your area, here are 8 tips on how to fix your foundation problems.

1. Paint The Walls With Hairline Cracks

Within twelve months after construction, cracks about a width of a sewing needle appear on the walls. They are also called hairline cracks. They are generally found around windows, doors, and corners. If you see any of those, don’t sweat it. 

This is normally due to the settling of the concrete. As the concrete cures, it shrinks in size leaving tiny gaps. Apply a coat of masonry paint to cover them.

2. Monitor As Any New Crack Appears

When you see a new crack in the foundation that is wider than hairline cracks but less than 1/8 inch, monitor it carefully. You should be worrying about the crack if it keeps expanding. It might take months to observe the expansion of the crack. 

A simple way to keep a record is to make a mark at both ends of the crack and measure it. Write down the measurement on the wall. Also measure the widest part of the cracks and note it down. Check it monthly for any change in measurements.

3. Use Caulk To Fill Gaps Wider Than 1/8 Inch

If the gaps are wider than 1/8 inch, they should not be left untreated. Once you are sure that the crack is not expanding and stable, you can seal it. That’s important because sealing can keep out the excess moisture, soil smells, and even radon gas. You can use caulk compatible with concrete to fill up the gap. Use a putty knife to even the surface.

4. Fix The Horizontal Gaps With Grout Or Expanding Epoxy

The horizontal gaps in the foundation are not to worry about unless they are expanding. They can also be filled with grout. Although fixing the horizontal gaps with grout is an easy DIY project, hire a professional when you intend to use expanding epoxy.

5. Create A Soil Slope That Takes Water Away From House Foundation

Keeping excess water away from your house foundation is critical. Add soil to the yard along the foundation to create slopes. Remove any plantings near the foundation.

6. Hire Professional Foundation Repair Services For Larger Gaps

If the foundation cracks keep expanding, it is best to consult a structural engineer or foundation expert. They will inspect the foundation and suggest fixes that work for your house.

7. Keep Up With House Plumbing  

If you start to see signs of mold growth in your house, check the house plumbing for any leaks and cracks. Replace the broken pipes.

8. Install Gutters And Downspouts  

Rainwater pouring on your roof can also damage the foundation if it is not channeled away properly. Install gutters and downspouts to keep away the excess water by water damage restoration.

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