BOC Sciences Comprehensively Deploys Liposomal Drug Delivery Research to Seek Industry-wide Cooperation


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BOC Sciences Comprehensively Deploys Liposomal Drug Delivery Research to Seek Industry-wide Cooperation

Recently, Anna, the chief scientist of BOC Sciences’ liposome technology platform, and her colleagues successfully developed a breakthrough technology that can solve the key problems in liposomal drug delivery. This technology can effectively prolong the blood circulation time of different modified types of liposomes, improve the treatment efficiency of encapsulated drugs, and reduce adverse reactions caused by drug leakage.

"This technology has been successfully validated in mouse models. Compared with mice receiving conventional liposome treatment, mice modified with liposomes with this new technology can significantly reduce tumor cells. This simple and effective method is easy to be widely used, and it should be improved as soon as possible for clinical use. "Anna said.

Advantages of liposomal drug deliveryLiposomes are considered to be highly common and well-studied nanocarriers for targeted drug delivery. And liposomes can be defined as phospholipid vesicles, which consist of one or more concentric lipid bilayers enclosed in discrete water spaces. Liposomes have the natural ability to enhance the localization of anticancer drugs to solid tumors through a passive targeting process. They can effectively carry positively and negatively charged molecules, and provide a certain degree of degradation protection for nucleic acid drugs and antigens with low immunogenicity. These advantages make liposomes an effective drug delivery system, which contributes to the growth of the global liposome drug delivery market.

About BOC SciencesBOC Sciences provides a comprehensive range of liposome-related products and services to support drug development and cosmetic applications, including formulation development, active molecule encapsulation, product characterization, etc. For details, please visit

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