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Anyone can write but not everyone is good at it, it’s paradoxical, isn’t it? Becoming a professional writer is like every other expertise. That means it requires discipline, hard work, and perseverance. Skillful and experienced writers are superior storytellers, but they also know the basics. Today, I will share the crucial methods that will help you to become the best of the best in the field.

1. Believe in Yourself

Whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re right! So, do you believe that you can be a good writer? Don’t ask for an opinion on whether you should become a writer because not everyone will understand you and you might even get mocked at times.


Instead of asking about people’s opinions, start believing that you can be! You can be a writer! Start to visualize your success because if you can’t trust yourself and if you don’t have self-confidence then how do you think you will get to the level where you can call yourself a real writer?

2. Choose a Specific Niche That You Want to Master

Have you heard the quote, “Jack of all trades, master of none”? The very best in this profession know that to be at the top they need to have a specific craft. So, to be a real respectable professional writer, you must pick up one genre. The best way to choose your niche is to ask yourself what you are good at and what drives you to learn even more.


For example, if you are interested in luxury watches and their quality and you have basic knowledge about this subject then you should dive into it and learn as much as you can. So, when you start writing about it you will find yourself more excited and the words will write themselves.

3. Know the Basics

If you ask gurus in any field what makes them so good and different from others, they will tell you that one of the key things of their success is knowing and practicing the basics. Grammar is one of the core building blocks. For a beginner writer, the word grammar hurts a lot, but becoming a master and recognizable writer means having amazing grammar skills.


But don’t worry, there is a solution to every problem. Academic essay writing services such as Academized are the best at this. You can learn from the experts on their team and check out what others saw about them from some of the Academized reviews. Before you get better at something, you must have a beginning, so learn from professional examples and you won’t go wrong. There is plenty of info from Academized reviews on reddit as well so you can gather all the insights that you require.

4. Read a Lot

Reading is dreaming with your eyes wide open. Isn’t this romantic? Well, this is a subjective matter but reading a lot to become a good writer is not! It’s a fact! When you start writing you need to have the proper knowledge, otherwise you will look at your blank page for hours, and then eventually you will give up. Read a lot! You will suddenly start having new ideas, become more fluent and the most important thing is that you will make your vocabulary wealthy. And believe me, that will contribute a lot in your writing career.

5. Write, Eat, Sleep, and Repeat

No matter what you do, if you don’t write daily then you can’t become a real writer. Repetitions make it perfect. Writing should become a daily habit. It should become like eating, if you don’t eat for a week or two then serious consequences arise.


It’s the same with writing. If you don’t do it every day then don’t even call yourself a real writer. The best way to get to the top is to write every day. That’s the key to success. You must make writing your daily routine! So let me tell you a life hack.


Each day before you go to sleep write a little bit on 2-3 topics and then in the morning, at a specific time every day, pick one of the topics and write for an hour. Do this for a year and you will be amazed by how much your skills will improve.


Becoming a real writer is not only developing the skill, it’s a lifestyle. As I have stated above, to become the best of the best in the field you must first change yourself and your habits. Learning from professionals is also a fast way to improve so it won’t hurt to check out Academized’s prices and see how the pros do it.


If you analyze everything, you will get the conclusion that becoming great in this field is not that easy and a lot of effort is needed. But if you are willing to become a writer as you are willing to breathe, then success is inevitable.

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