Country Quiz


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Chapter 1

 " Hello and welcome to Country Quiz." " I'm your host Judy Perry." Let me tell you how this game works.This is where there are eight different countries that will participate there will be one girl and one boy from each country that will try and win £10,000. The countries that will participate are England, America, Italy, Spain, Scotland, Germany, Poland and France. The names are Emily and Jacob from England , Liam and Olivia from America, Alessandra and Lorenzo from Italy, Santiago and Isabella from Spain, Fiona and Aindrea from Scotland, Adalard and Sofia from Germany, Zuzanna and Abram from Poland and Adalene and Victor from France. There are 9 questions for the boys and girls to answer and obviously the country with the most answers correct will win the £10,000.

I want all of you to say ' Hi' in your own languages ( all these kids can speak English) and then all of you obviously answer the questions in English. England say hi. "Hi." America say hi "hey." Italy say Hi " ciao." Spain say hi " hola." Scotland say hi " hi." Germany say hi " hallo." Poland say hi " cześć." France say hi " salut." Haha I love all of your accents. Now all of you have to speak in English whilst answering the questions.

First question " What is the most hottest country in the world? ( Santiago presses his button) Is it Spain ? " Sorry incorrect." ( Zuzanna presses her botton) Is it Libya ? " Yes correct." Next question " What is the most coldest country in the world? ( Liam presses his botton ) Is it Antarctica ? " Yes correct. " So now that's 1 point to America and 1 point to Poland. Next Question " What is the smallest country in the world ?( Isabella presses her botton) Is it England? " Sorry incorrect." ( Emily presses her botton) Is it Vatican City? " Yes corrected." 1 point to England. What is the biggest country in the world? ( Fiona presses her botton) Is it Russia? " Yes correct." 1 point to Scotland. What is the smartest country in the world? ( Lorenzo presses his botton) Is it America ? " Sorry incorrect."( Alessandra presses her botton) Is it Singapore? " Yes Correct." 1 point to Italy. What is he most dumbest country in the world? ( Olivia presses her botton) Is it England? " Sorry incorrect." ( Jacob presses his botton) Is it The United States? " Yes correct." What country makes the most delicious food ? ( Isabella presses her botton) Obviously Italy " Yes correct."1 point to Spain. What country makes the most disgusting food in the hole entire world? ( Sofia presses her botton) Is it Israel? " Yes correct." Final question What is the cutest puppy in the world? ( Abram presses his botton) Is it a Dalmatian? " YES THAT MEANS POLAND HAS 2 POINTS SO POLAND WINS THE £10,000 ! 

So Abram , Zuzanna how do you feel about winning £10,000? " We feel extremely happy, we are so glad that we studded before we came to this game show." Well guys thankyou for participating I'll see you guys next time.

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