Depression Symptoms eBook 4


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Six Steps to Understanding Depression Symptoms and How to Beat it.

Break free of depression symptoms, anxiety and mood swings. Live the life you were born to. Read through these Six Steps slowly and understand life can be full of love, joy and happiness by the way you think.

Your door to freedom.


STEP ONE Understand the ENEMY within. ........................................................... 1

STEP TWO The STRATEGY to DEFEAT the ENEMY within and without .............. 5


DIVERSITY and DEPRESSION. ................................................................................ 8

STEP FOUR ZEN and the ART of LOVE and HAPPINESS towards a better LIFE.

................................................................................................................................. 11

Recognising the symptons of depression through your emotional guidance system and how you feel daily will keep you on track to emerge with more joy, love and happiness in your life................................................................................................ 11

STEP FIVE You can see a LIGHT at the end of the TUNNEL and its not the TRAIN

coming...................................................................................................................... 14

The greater the obstacle, the greater the source of light. ~

The Power of Kabbalah - Yehuda Berg ................................................................ 14

STEP SIX You have found the STAIRCASE out of the DARKNESS into the

LIGHTwhere to now?. ........................................................................................... 17

Remove the reactive behaviour from your life and you will experience continuous light (love). Avoid the need to react for the quick burst of light then darkness again.

.............................................................................................................................. 17

Once you have emerged from depression there is always more work to do to stay in

a better emotional state and keep your vibration rate where it should be. ............... 17

About the Author ...................................................................................................... 20



ENEMY within

Signs of Depression will be evident in your daily life. First step is to understand are you actually depressed? And if so what type? where did it came from and why? This is the most important first step, understanding.

Depression can creep up on you over a period of time. This will be the result of something in your life that has happened slowly or the result of being unaware of the changes within. If you are reading this book then obviously your aware all is not well either with yourself, or someone else you know and are concerned about.

Know thy enemy. Depression is essentially the enemy. What else could it be? It is a saboteur that can destroy your life. To overwhelm your inner opponent, whether its a habit that needs to be broken or a psychological obstacle that needs to be overcome you need to develop a strategy that will re-channel your energies and restructure

your personality.

They say in thy heart lies the truth of the matter. Your mind is separated between your subconscious and your conscious thoughts. Your heart is either one of joy and happiness with life or it is not. Everything is energy. The Law of Vibration.

It has lots to do with your own rate of 'vibration' and a low vibration will

cause depression and a chemical breakdown in the body. Also we must use our mind or lose it, as mentally this will apply. Personal happiness plays a big part in how we feel daily. As we get older our enthusiasm can be much lower than it should be. Alzheimers and Dementia in men and women can indicate a great degree of

sadness and depression has become a predominant thought pattern.

Depression or severe mood swings changes our vibration rate of our body and cell structure. One of several Principles of the Universe is a Principle of Vibration! On a scale of 1-10 work out your own state of vibration or of someone you know who is suffering from a 'low vibration'. 1 being suicidal, 5 being melancholy, 7 being enthusiastic, 9 being joyful and 10 being in bliss. This is how to understand your emotional guidance system. It will also clearly depict your state of mind.

Depression is you are in a state of mind not an emotional state. To get rid of depression you need to change the way you think. People with depression mostly results from a thought pattern with a very low frequency vibration that is all about hopelessness and gloom.

Depression and other mental health issues can lead to suicide. Men over 50 years of age with andropause (Male Menopause) issues may have very low testosterone levels causing melancholy behaviour leading into depression and research has revealed there are far more depressed men out there than they are prepared to admit. This will also apply with women and menopause. HRT Hormone Replacement Therapy does help, and it can restore fading relationships.

Male suicide occurs at a much higher rate than that for females. Depression leads to suicide so knowing this enemy is very important. Having a strategic plan to

overcome the enemy (depression) is essential. The first step is to understand the enemy and where it came from so that this conflict in self can be overcome.

We know men under go many changes in their 50's just like women do. I don't think it's fair to say they are exactly the same as the hormonal and emotional changes for women during menopause but men endure a lot with the modern woman going through menopause today. Physically over 50 year old men notice within

themselves more changes, erectile dysfunction and moods deepen, depression for men is common in this age group.

Most men are not aware that their mental health will undergo emotional and physical changes just as a woman does and are in many respects expected to endure aging with little or no drama attached. Women on the other hand make it common knowledge of their mid-life changes. The reality is both genders experience big hormonal changes in the 45 - 60 years plus age group.

These hormonal changes can lead to a lower vibration and a feeling of not being at your best. I have seen the enormous shift HRT therapy can give women and men it is almost like they have been reborn as there former selves and are much happier with themselves and life in general.

Depression is just not about the 45 60 years plus age groups. Younger men and adolescents suffer the same fate. Drug and alcohol addiction will play havoc with your moods and rate of vibration. What goes up must come down.

At the time of writing this eBook I was made aware young men and women in clubs and bars in Australia were taking Ketamine which is a horse tranquiliser drug to get out of it”. This is a heavy drug, it will take you right down well below cannabis so you cannot expect to indulge in these recreational drugs and not believe with regular use you are not changing your rate of vibration and mental health.

Amphetamines and methamphetamine (ice) are also in wide use with adolescents and young adults. Ecstasy use in Australia has been out of control for a long time now. When I arrived back from a three and a half year overseas travel adventure in the 90’s it was well and truly in wide use in Perth Western Australia then. An Ecstasy pill is a love a drug, it increases your emotional response to love, it is highly addictive and used regularly by many age groups.

Regular drug and alcohol use will play havoc with your moods and health. If you are sliding into melancholy states regularly because of continuous drug and alcohol use then the enemy isn’t the depressed states you find yourself in, but the vices and habits you now surround yourself with what created it.

Dysthymia, or dysthymic disorder, is a clinical diagnosis of moderate, persistent depression. Sufferers do not routinely experience the extremes of major depression, but the duration can be much longer. Dysthymia does not often inhibit normal activities.

Also known as manic-depressive disorder, bipolar disorder results in dramatic mood swings in the sufferer. This psychological disorder is characterized by perpetual

shifts between manic and depressive phases. During the manic phase, one may feel unnaturally confident, energetic, and out of control.

Cyclothymia is a mild form of bipolar disorder. It is characterized by mood fluctuations that shift between depressive and hypomanic phases. Cyclothymics do not experience the extremes of major depression or manic episodes.

Mild depressive symptoms are common among women following the birth of a child. However if these feelings are severe, the woman may be suffering from postpartum depression. Postpartum depression is a form of major depression experienced by an estimated one in eight mothers. Effective treatments exist for this condition.

The Law of Cause and Effect comes into play also. If you have been doing the same job for years and years and you hate it, your rate of vibration will be low and you will most definitely not be in a state of joy. Same as if you have been in a relationship that is really not working and has not brought you much joy for a very long time. We are conditioned to think this is normal but it is not in terms of mental health.

Young person’s feeling the effects of a results driven society in our education systems and competition within our Universities and employment prospects (with the wide multicultural populations) now may feel a sense of hopelessness leading into depression. Or a highly dysfunctional family unit may do the same? Once again you need to identify when you actually started feeling melancholy then depressed (the enemy), where it came from and seek it out, then with a strategy overcome it.

It might also be apparent your living environment is affecting your state of mind and over a period of time you have got used to feeling below average because of the environment. The old saying a change is as good as a holiday is not far from the truth. You have to know in your heart what feels right. Like if youre a ‘Sun person then living in a geographical area that experiences cold depressing winters and short summers might not be the place for you to be at your best and happiest.

Young person’s feeling the effects of a results driven society in our education systems and competition within our Universities and employment prospects (with the wide multicultural populations) now may feel a sense of hopelessness leading into depression. Or a highly dysfunctional family unit may do the same? Once again you need to identify when you actually started feeling melancholy then depressed (the enemy), where it came from and seek it out, then with a strategy overcome it.

It might also be apparent your living environment is affecting your state of mind and over a period of time you have got used to feeling below average because of the environment. The old saying a change is as good as a holiday is not far from the truth. You have to know in your heart what feels right. Like if youre a ‘Sun person then living in a geographical area that experiences cold depressing winters and short summers might not be the place for you to be at your best and happiest?

Depression does not heal its self. Anti- depressant medication (pharmaceutical drugs) may appear to help, but they are not natural. Although that may assist you in the short term it is not going to be wise to continue using this type medication as a long term solution. Finding the answer to the root cause of how you ended up with depression is the first step to understand your depression.

Now that you have a grasp of the enemy within (depression) and where it might have evolved from (without,) a well-executed strategy needs to be applied to reverse it.

The saboteur of depression needs to be removed. But how? I was given a copy of the book by Andy Shaw called A Bug Free Mind.” I recommend everyone interested in living to their full potential with love, joy and happiness read that book.

Andy explains things in a nice easy written style and he explains through the understanding of Saltori from the ancient word Satori - which refers to the experience of kenshō, "seeing into one's true nature".

In Andy Shaw’s book A Bug Free Mind he says this about what we think and how we think ~

“We think accidentally because we were not taught how to think. We are taught to

walk, talk, read, write, cook, brush our teeth, clean up our mess, use a computer, drive a car and even fly a plane. We are taught to acquire such skills, as to make them automatic and almost sub/un-conscious in their use. Yet the most powerful tool we possess, correct thinking, is left to occur by accident.”

Depression is slipping into incorrect thinking. Reading through this first step and the next five will help you understand more about the predicament that is depression.

I went through a divorce when I was in my 40’s. It was a life changing event not only for me but my daughter. It was then I got an idea to develop a website about men’s health which included more emphasis on mental health information and understanding. Working through all the issues of divorce and child custody one must be patient and tolerant. Over reaction to any issues is not wise.

This showed me that you can work through issues one at a time. I look back at that period now and if I had to nominate one book that helped the most it was James Allens “As A Man Thinketh published first in 1902. I also had faith and belief we would all get through it if I was mindful to everything going on. Keep the love flowing during difficult times and you will overcome anything.




within and without

This is not a strategy about confrontation . A victory against depression can only be achieved by calculated and repeated processes to outwit and overcome the enemy within and without effortlessly.

" So true is this that when a man earnestly applies himself to remedy the defects in his character, and makes swift and marked progress, he passes rapidly through a succession of vicissitudes." ~ James Allen “As A Man Thinketh, 1902.

I agree with what has already been written about victimology in society and the blame that is put on outside influences for our state of being and state of mind. Don’t be a victim. You are a creator. Complaining about things won’t help make them better. That will just give you instant gratification and then a void, not long lasting fulfilment and happiness. Resist the need to react and complain. This is one of the great secrets of life.

Removing complaining aspects of your character and personality will help overcome depression. Low vibration is a low frequency which is quite negative. Human beings are naturally cooperative; playing the victim is not cooperating. Cooperation will result in a sense of fulfilment. Try it if you dont believe me.

The fact your reading this book now is part of your strategy. We all get caught up in the ‘equality myth being society states we all have equal opportunity and rights. In actual fact we are not all equal, we are unequal.

We do have equal rights to own things, get educated, buy a property, own a businesses, get married, travel, vote etc. but each person is definitely not equal to another. A person who has succeeded and prospered through a business venture idea of their own is not equal to someone who has not.

No point in being depressed about that as some people will achieve and some if not most will not. So we are ‘unequal’ with each other and the myth of equality I think causes a lot of people to be depressed even if they don’t understand why.

I got caught in a traffic jam because of a protest march on wealth distribution in Melbourne inner city Australia in 2011 on a Friday afternoon. The protesters were angry and they looked like they were thinking they deserved better.

They all had the victim mentality on wealth and the equality myth. I was driving a sports car and I was looked at and treated with disdain as they surrounded my car and other cars in front. We were all blocked by the protestors and it looked like it was going to get ugly. Abuse was given out carelessly by the protestors until the Task Force Police arrived in numbers and dispersed the angry protesters.

The predominant thought of the protestors was wealth was evil and it is unevenly distributed when it should be evenly distributed. A lot of people have no idea that they are creators and can create the very thing they complain about lack of or poor distribution of.

For people to make slow changes in their life towards shifting their conscious day to day thinking may mean changing social groups. If your predominant social group are negative and complaining then that’s exactly what you will be. Understanding the enemy is critical in isolating why you are depressed and what lead you there in the first place.

Changing your way of living slowly allows to you adapt and other people to not be offended by your new sense of self and change. If they are offended and it is not

your attention to do so then victimology stands in their way and not yours. You can’t

soar with the eagles when you walk with the turkeys.

There is a famous quote which I have never forgotten Most conflict is caused by the wrong tone of voice.” Once again it’s our need to react to that which causes the conflict and strife. Moving away from reaction to response means you have thought things through before responding and thereby changing the outcome. What you resist persists.

Part of the strategy to remove depression then is to move away from reactive behaviour of any kind. Apply a controlled rational response. This takes repeated practise and is part of the process of change.

We are all ‘creators’ of our own destiny. We are not creatures like animals. If not making enough money is making you depressed remember you are a creator not a complainer and you have infinite possibilities within you to create exactly what it is you would desire. If you have a desire than act upon it, the universe loves action.

Resistance to change can cause depression slowly. We have moved from an evolution state of being to a revolution state. The past ten years has been dramatic. Change is happening at such a rapid pace all around us now. Technology will not slow down. That doesn’t mean you should be down on that or get depressed about it. Try looking at what advantages that may provide for you. The internet has given us liberty and a wealth of information at our finger tips.



You cant bla me your parents for your dilemmas

or your depression that is the Parental Fallacy.

We must grow down before we grow up. The descent is equally as important as the ascent. Sometimes we have to hit rock bottom before we can soar with the eagles.

I mentioned in Step 2 there would more about love. Love is a force that is far more powerful than most people could imagine. Depression is really no love or you have lost sight of the love for life, people and things yet to happen. Modern day Jungian (Carl Jung) psychology use love maps” to try and account for the mysteries of being seized by love.

We mostly grow up in a parental environment where certain things will bring pleasure and meet our needs and wants. These characteristics form a schema that you will be drawn to a particular person who has attributes of the love map. Jungians call this

the Anima and “Animus” which originate in the Latin words “soul” and “spirit” so you fall in love for a composite childhood image. That is why Jungian psychologists say love is so overwhelming it can elevate you out of your shoes and out of this world. ~ James Hillman The Souls Code. This of course is true!

Without love daily in our lives we can slip beyond mediocrity into a realm you remain in and become over time unaware of until you awaken. Love is a purpose. If you don’t have something to look forward to in life to generate some love and passion towards then the daily grind will begin and mediocrity becomes the norm.

Love can be a very broad term. It can be broken down into three groups. Altruistic caretaking (agape), practical endearing partnerships (pragma), and erotic intimacy (eros). Love can transform a human being so I’m sure when you have noticed that someone is ‘in love with another person their aura and presence takes on a new light. The omnipotent force of love for a new job, or a new pet, travel to a new destination will also induce this love force.

A depressed person who has slipped beyond melancholy will not have the vibration of love around them. So referring to Step 1 and Step 2 of this eBook you can now see the pathway out of depression lies in first discovering the pathway that lead you there and a need for a solution and a strategy to take the pathway back to a better vibration or a neutral place to emerge from.

So if we agree that depression is the enemy and this conflict in self has to be overcome then understand these words from Sun Tzu’s classic novel The Art of War where he categorises that CONFLICT IN SELF, CONFLICT IN ENVIRONMENT, and CONFLICT WITH ANOTHER are all part of The Art of War. Each requires a strategy to overcome preferably without confrontation. Each conflict requires patience and understanding. The enemy has to be overcome.

Well positioned strategies will lead to triumph over conflicts within and without through actions and knowledge of the enemy within and without. Where all the conflicts within and without came from must be understood first. In other words once you have gathered this information then position yourself to overcome the enemy (depression) within and without. Love of something is essential for this to take place.

The transformation away from depression to a happier state of mind and heart will take some manoeuvring for advantage. This can be done effortlessly over time. Rome was not built in one day. Once the momentum has been created (remember we are creators) then with persistence it will flow in the right direction.

Faith and love go hand in hand. Depression is about losing the faith in the seen and unseen. We are surrounded by a universal mind force of energy that when interacted with can produce amazing things. That connection takes a certain vibration and awakening to the love force will certainly take you in the direction away from a low rate of vibration.

In the next step we will go through the different medical terms used to explain what type of depression you may have. Whether its medically classified as minor or clinical depression doesn’t really matter. If you are regularly depressed then the way you are thinking can be changed. That is scientifically proven.

Most people have no problem with physical exercise if they have to be to be in better shape. But most people don’t conclude what they put into their mind on a daily basis does have an effect. The way you think can be controlled by you.

To exercise the mind with better thinking takes concentration. To understand this is critical in getting out of depression. By doing and understanding mind exercises over a period of time even if it’s just for 15 minutes a day can make a massive difference to how you feel over time.


Zen and the ART of LOVE and HAPPINESS towards a better LIFE!

Before enlightenment chop wood and carry water.

After enlightenment, chop wood and carry water.

~Wu Li

Recognising the symptoms of depression through your emotional guidance system and how you feel daily will keep you on track to emerge with more joy, love and happiness in your life.

Zen and the Art of Love Therapy is not always about men’s sheds, hairdressers, fishing, golf, barbeques, shopping, and going out. That plays a part for sure but will not be the answer that will provide the zip in life to give you the zest of happiness. Zen emphasizes the value of meditation and intuition rather than ritual worship or study of scriptures.

Meditation doesnt mean you have to sit in a lotus position under a sandalwood tree either. It could mean time alone with a pet, the outdoors, a musical instrument or a jam session with friends. Or surfing your favourite wave at your preferred beach, then sitting quietly contemplating the ocean afterwards. Quietening you mind is the focus here.

Meditation can take many forms as it does with many religions and spiritual beliefs. It might mean prayers, blessings, or just gratitude and appreciation for all the things we overlook daily. Meditation can also mean seeking the silence and being comfortable with that or reading a good book. The sounds of silence are not silent. When you understand this you are truly meditating on a spiritual ‘one connection level.

Intuition has become a lost sense form. We are all aware of it but are more internalised by visual sense. The sixth sense is mainly disregarded because of all the overwhelming daily distractions now around us.

We now live with The Law of Distraction mobile hand held devices have changed our lives but mostly they have become daily addictive distractions. Getting back in touch with intuition will be a step towards meditation and then a connection to Zen and the Art of Love Therapy.

If you have slipped into a depressive state because of prescribed drugs from a doctor perhaps you have not noticed. What would be a good thing to do is Google any prescribed medication you have been given. Find out what you have been prescribed, what its true compounds are and the side effects. The pharmaceutical drug industry is massive. You can do this online very quickly.

Prescribed drugs given to you to help an ailment you believe you have may be the very reason you are sliding backwards. Taking Prozac or other similar anti- depressants will not be a way of conquering the enemy that is depression either, just a side step with chemical enhancement to mask a problem that will not go away.

One of reasons so many men and women suffer from poor mental health and depression is sex is not high on their agenda. Tripping off to see a Sex Therapist (most likely just a psychologist or psychotherapist) might be a good idea or you could just do your own research online and see what you find out.

If you are in a long term relationship and it has become stagnant then probably you are not feeling great about that and life in general. A Sex Therapist can answer most of your questions but more than likely your questions will probably go something like this

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1. Am I normal?

1. Am I normal?

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2. How often do most people have sex?

2. How often do most people have sex?

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3. How do I tell my partner what I need in the bedroom?

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4. How do I help my partner feel sexy?

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5. We are stuck in rut what should we do?

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6. I have a fantasy how do I tell my partner about it?

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