Cool Munchkins


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Chapter 1

Once upon a time, lived a little girl called June she loved all seasons and enjoyed school, but one day she couldn't go to school because she was feeling ill but her mum and dad where in work, and her older brother and sister where in school so she had to stay at home by her self, she fell asleep for a bit then she woke up well she thought she had woken up, she was in munchkin village she knew this because there was a sign saying munchkin village in a quarter of a mile, so she walked there passing signs saying munchkin village this way.She finally got there...

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Chapter 2

Then she felt something tugging on her pyjama bottoms, so she looked down wondering what it was it was a munchkin it was really small and cute she asked "how come I'm here?" and the munchkin said "hold on with the questions let me introduce my self my name is king Lenard the ruler of munchkin village we have chosen you to find your super power,""but why me?"June asked "because we have been keeping an eye on well behaved children and you have been best behaved," said Lenard "ok,"said June then they spoke for ages and she found out she had a super power, but she had to complete three different tasks, in order to find out her super power.

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Chapter 3

 Her first task was to sail in a circle around the marine lake, she really enjoyed this one and she was actually very good at it the munchkins where wondering if she had any sailors in her family,but she had let them know she doesn't but she could sail threw the enormous waves and rapid stormy weathers, and then back to calm weathers it looked like a struggle, but not for her she was absolutely amazing!!

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