The Night Sky of Harier


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 Harier is a magical place that has wonderful places in the night sky. . .

Rose was walking up a steep

mountain, accompanied by James. 'Are we there yet?' James asked. 'Almost' replied Rose as they had reached the top of the mountain. James looked over to the little town below. It was 4:00 in the afternoon, but that wasn't good. Rose and James needed to get to the Harier village soon. Which they were only at Harier Pass. Rose let her backpack

Slide off her shoulders and hit the ground. She

Bent down and opened the bag, pulled out a drink bottle, gave it to James then pulled out another one for herself. 'Just down the mountain and we're there' said Rose still sipping

Her water. James looked at her. 'What?'Rose said sharply putting down her water. 'We won't make it' said James. 'We will, unlike you I have hope' said Rose angrily. James didn't reply.

Rose started walking down the mountain at a steady pace. But

It was topped by James. It was 6:00 by the time they reached the towns edge. Rose sat down on the soft luscious grass, pulled out the drink bottle again, and started to drink. James sat down too and drunk from his water bottle. After eating some sandwiches in silence they set off again. James tryed to keep his mouth

Shut as they headed into the town. But nobody 

was in their houses, everyone was outside staring up into the night sky. By 7:00 they were at a peculiar house, the wood was curvy, and the whole house seemed to go with it.

'Here we are'. Said Rose happily. Rose went inside, with James after her. Rose put her backpack down. The house didn't curve on the inside though. 'Why doesn't it curve on the inside?' James asked. 'This is a magical place, so obviously it would' replied Rose. 'But what's the need?' Asked James. 'To keep hopper pots out'. Said Rose like it was obvious. 'Umm, what's a "hopper pot"' James asked. Rose looked bewildered. 'You've never heard of a hopping pot?' She asked. 'No' replied James. 'A hopping pot is the most annoying

beast in the world! It comes inside and hops until you,' Rose said. 'Until you what?' Said James.

'It never stops hopping' Rose replied.

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The Night Sky of Harier

 'So it won't ever stop hopping? That would be annoying' said James. 'It would, but let's go outside before its nine' said Rose. They went outside and looked up to the glistening stars above,

the millions of consolations it made.

'I see a unicorn!' Said one little girl pointing to a perfect unicorn.

'There's a phenix' said James pointing to a phenix flying over the sky. 'Oooo! A rabbit!' Said Rose. 'I haven't seen that before'. Rose Wrote down "rabbit" on a piece of paper. 'A kiwi! A kiwi!' Said James pointing to a fluffy baby kiwi that was curled into a ball. Rose wrote "kiwi" down on the paper. They only spotted unicorns and phenix ems and sheep until 8:00. 'I see a piwakawaka!' Said James suddenly. 'We haven't seen that before' said Rose. Then a beautiful swan a peered in the sky. gourgeous wings spread as it flew over the sky. It had no need to flap, it just

glided softly along.

Rose and James had seen a number of new animals in the  Harier sky. Which was supposed to unfog the future. Rose pulled out a book and opened it. It was huge brown leather bound book that

Was heavier than a house. Rose opened it

to exactly the right page. 'We found a rabbit, which means. . .' Rose looked through the huge page until she found a rabbit. 'We're going to have a jump into the darkness'. ' Which would mean we don't know what's going to happen next' finished James. 'We found a kiwi which means we're going to lose people'. 'Oh no' and a piwakawaka means we will meet someone friendly'. That's better'. 'And, we're going to fly'. 'What!' James looked alarmed at this. 'But we can't just fly into the air by magic!'. 'Who said we couldn't?' Rose said. Then she flew into the air. 'Oh no, I'm gonna regret this' said James. But he still flew high into the sky.

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The Night Sky of Harier

 'So it won't ever stop hopping? That would be annoying' said James. 'It would, but let's go outside before its nine' said Rose. They went outside and looked up to the glistening stars above,

the millions of consolations it made.

'I see a unicorn!' Said one little girl pointing to a perfect unicorn.

'There's a phenix' said James pointing to a phenix flying over the sky. 'Oooo! A rabbit!' Said Rose. 'I haven't seen that before'. Rose Wrote down "rabbit" on a piece of paper. 'A kiwi! A kiwi!' Said James pointing to a fluffy baby kiwi that was curled into a ball. Rose wrote "kiwi" down on the paper. They only spotted unicorns and phenix ems and sheep until 8:00. 'I see a piwakawaka!' Said James suddenly. 'We haven't seen that before' said Rose. Then a beautiful swan a peered in the sky. gourgeous wings spread as it flew over the sky. It had no need to flap, it just

glided softly along.

Rose and James had seen a number of new animals in the  Harier sky. Which was supposed to unfog the future. Rose pulled out a book and opened it. It was huge brown leather bound book that

Was heavier than a house. Rose opened it

to exactly the right page. 'We found a rabbit, which means. . .' Rose looked through the huge page until she found a rabbit. 'We're going to have a jump into the darkness'. ' Which would mean we don't know what's going to happen next' finished James. 'We found a kiwi which means we're going to lose people'. 'Oh no' and a piwakawaka means we will meet someone friendly'. That's better'. 'And, we're going to fly'. 'What!' James looked alarmed at this. 'But we can't just fly into the air by magic!'. 'Who said we couldn't?' Rose said. Then she flew into the air. 'Oh no, I'm gonna regret this' said James. But he still flew high into the sky.

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