Elo Boosting


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Elo Boosting: Here's How You Can Earn Money by Playing League of Legends

There's nothing more rewarding than to make a living just by doing what you love. That is especially true for most League of Legends players, where joining a professional team to compete in tournaments and win great prizes is a dream that seems too difficult to attain. But before any of you lose hope, there's actually one alternative that is slowly making its way into every player's hopes and dreams: elo boosting.

Essentially, an elo booster's main objective is to pull another player from the ravaging waters of LoL and save them from sinking deeper into the low-tier. They log in to that player's account, play some ranked games, and improve that account's performance. Yes, it devalues the ranking system of the game, and yes, it sounds too good to be true. But many players have tried this before, and the success stories alone should be enough to convince you to join the world of elo boosters. If you're interested to know more about working as an elo booster, then keep reading summoner!


There's two ways you can go about as an elo booster: you can either go solo or work under a company. The differences between the two should be quite obvious, but there are pros and cons that you should consider before you lock on your decision.

A solo booster will have to shoulder all of the leg work and micromanaging that is involved in this job. On the other hand, a corporate booster will only have to focus on playing. Solo boosters have to find their own clients, while corporate boosters will have clients appointed to them. However, solo boosters have the freedom to work in their own pace and liking. There are also no requirements to adhere; although you do have to prove your worth to your customers to gain their trust. Also, most of the time, a solo booster's customer is a personal friend or acquaintance. So, there's no need to build trust as both parties know each other personally. Meanwhile, corporate boosters are more intimidating as clients do not know their boosters in real life. Hence, there's that risk that they might not have good intentions with the account. The advantage corporate boosters have over solo boosters is the middleman system -- a separate team will handle the financial aspect of the transaction. Hence, this makes payment more secure for the booster.


Of course, elo boosters must be good at the game, if not the best. As an elo booster, your clients will expect full attention and 100% effort from you, regardless if you're an independent booster or not. 

Each elo boosting websites have their own distinct standards and requirements for aspiring boosters. Some will accept players with Gold rank, while others will only recruit those at the Diamond tier. Also, the honor level and character should be decent.

Independent elo boosters do not have to impose the same requirements to themselves, as long as they are confident enough to offer these services to other players.


Again, this will vary between players to players. Some will earn as much as $1,000 a month while others earn minimum wage. There's also the differences in prices. For instance, climbing up to Platinum Division IV from Gold Division I may cost around $30. Your salary will depend on a number of different factors, such as how many ranked games you will play, the gap between the desired rank and the current rank, etc.

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