His Only


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This is just a simple word. A word from four letters. Two vowel letters and two constant letters.

This simple word means so much and nothing at the same.

It held so many promises. 

Real promises and empty-fake ones. 

Stories have been told about love, even movies and tv-shows have been made about it. 

People fall in love after a while, or even from the first sight. 

They fight a few times, have a few break ups , but at the end they get back together and then live happily ever after.

This is what we have been watching and reading about love. It always has a happy ending. 

But all these haven’t told the truth about love. 

Right now You might be thinking that I’m an expert or I’m acting like I am one. But I’m not an expert in love. 

No not all.

I’m just a twenty year old girl, who has been through an experience that made her realize what is love and how it feels.

An experience that not so many people has been through. 

These people probably didn’t find the one person who would make them feel love. 

Finding that person can be a blessing or a curs. 

A blessing if you two are really in love,and then end happily with each other forever like all these movies ad stories. 

But this rarely happens in real life. These happy endings are just in the movies.

And a curs if you two really love each other but you didn’t end up together.

Maybe a silly fight, jealousy or even a third person can be the reason of this ‘unhappy ending’.

And to be honest all I have been seeing these days when it comes to love are these ‘unhappy endings’.

When I was seventeen, I was that naive girl. Who thought that love doesn’t exist. That it just a stupid thing, The people who made movies and books feed us all these stories just to buy the book or watch the movie. 

And No. I didn’t see people break up or anything like that. In fact my parents had that , cute, husband and wife love that mixed with respect.

I adored that kind of love. And I wanted that love. The one that comes after marriage. With a person who I know will be with me till the end. 

Not just a guy who doesn’t have any relation with me.

And I used to laugh at all these girls at my school who will walk around telling everyone about their boyfriends.

And even my best friend. When she had her first break up, I was laughing at her. And I told her  how did I warn her about being so stupid and getting involved with a guy. 

Call me cruel or heartless,but that was my point of view. I found all that teenage love so foolish and childish.

Probably most of you think in the same way.

My dad was so proud of me because of the way I thought while my mom was a silent watcher. She used to watch me when I talk about how foolish those girls are without saying anything back. 

But one day when she told me some words that are still stuck in my head, till now. She said : those girls are not foolish they are just in love. You will know what i mean when you do too.

At that time I argued with her on how I would never ever do that Or as she said it ‘be in love’. 

But Mothers are always right. And by always I mean really, Always.

A few days from our talk I did my biggest mistake in this life. 

A mistake that I still regret even after three years. 

I fall in love.

It all happened so fats. And I didn’t even how it did happen.

But it happened anyways. 

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250 Days Before

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