Days of Eve


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Worries trickled into my mind, inducing a throbbing headache, as I sat stiffly in the old chair. Nurses and doctors passed me by without a single glance, and my lip trembled. My body shook with despair and anxiety, waiting for someone to deliver bad news.

     Tears escaped and streaked down my cheeks as I did all I could to remain calm. My fingers twitched and my hands shuddered. I clasped them together in a final, desperate, act of denial. My eyes scanned the floor. Then a pair of scrubs interrupted my view.

     I hesitantly looked up, and I could see it in the doctor's face. He was gone.

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Chapter 1

He's lounging on the couch when I come into the room, "Hey, baby." I look over his shoulder as he works on his computer, "Whatcha doing'?" He doesn't look up at me, but he seems excited when he answers, "I'm working on my site. I already have 2,500 views." I kiss his cheek, "Good job, baby." I stand up straight and walk into the kitchen, "Want a snack?" He almost glances at me, "Yea, that would be great. Do we have any fruit?" I scour through the fridge, "We have some apples. Is that ok?" He looks up, "No plums?" I look a bit more, "Noooo.... AH! Yes! Here's one!"

     I pull out the plum and walk over to the sink, "Remind me what your site is about, again?" He was looking back down at the screen. He furrowed his brows, "Well, it's sorta hard to explain." I wash the plum and wrap it in a paper towel, "Try?" He sighed, "Ok. Well, this site is like a middleman in a way. It connects sellers of thing to buyers of things. You could sell and or buy almost anything you want through this site." I hand him the fruit, "So~, like Ebay? Or Amazon?" He grimaced, "No, this is much better than those." I chuckled.

     "When are you gonna hang out with your friends?" I ask as I go back to the kitchen to get myself something. He didn't answer. I look over at him and it didn't look like he heard me. I frowned, "Joseph?" He looked up for a second, "Yea?" I turned back to the fridge, "When are you gonna hang out with your friends? It is the weekend, after all. You can't just work all the time." It was his turn to frown, "They're busy anyways." I looked back at him, "How would you know? Do you even talk to Joey anymore?" He changed his position on the couch, not answering.

     I sighed and washed an apple, "Are you guys ok?" I wrapped it in a paper towel and walked over to him sitting in an armchair next to the couch. He closed his computer, "I don't know." He turned and stood up, "I'm gonna put my laptop away." I watched him go and grabbed the tv remote, sighing again. I turned on the tv and switched to Netflix. He came back out and sat down on the couch.

     "What do you want to watch?" He shrugged. I flipped through the tv shows and picked one, "Sherlock ok?" He shrugged again. I clicked on it and went to the episode where we had left off.



3 Hours Later...


=Snort= My eyes fluttered open. "Hahaha!!" I groggily looked over at Joseph. He was laughing hysterically for some reason. "You were- You were- Hahahaha!!" Annoyed, I asked, "What are you talking about?" He tried to calm himself down and said, "You snored yourself awake! Hahahaha!!!" He held his stomach. "Pfft-" I broke out in laughter, "I did-? Hahaha!"

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Chapter 2

The Following Day...


"Mom, I'm going out!" I called out from the kitchen, "Really? Ok! Have fun! Say hey to your friends for me!" I heard the door close and I smiled to myself, "Looks like he took my advice."




I close the door behind me and take my bike down the alley. I get on and pedal towards the street. Turning left, I head to the diner down the road. I saw a bunch of bikes already there. After putting on the bike lock I went inside.

     Walking in, it seemed like your average, everyday place to get some pretty great comfort food. I knew different. I noticed them immediately, huddled in a corner booth like the world around them didn't exist. The waitresses avoided their booth because of the dangerous air they spread around them. Unfortunately for me, I had business with the creeps.

     They had seen me come in and watched me make my way to them. I stood in front of them as they glared daggers at me. If looks could kill, well, luckily in this case they don't. One of them broke the silence, "You have what we want?" I frowned, "What do you take me for? What about you?" The youth gave me a look that made me bite my tongue. "Show it to us."

     Grimacing, I retrieved a small device from my pant pocket. I held it up so they could see, "Happy?" They exchanged looks and another one asked, "How do we know it's real?" I smirked, "Well, I could set it off here and you can see, well, I don't know that you would see...-" They cut me off, "Hand it over." I shook my finger at them, "Uh uh uhh~, payment first."

     From the left, a kid reached under the table and pulled out a silver briefcase. He slid it towards me and I opened it. Diamonds. I snickered as I tossed the device to the one that looked like the leader, "Well, here you go kids. Try not to poke an eye out." He caught it in his hand and gazed at it, "Kill him."

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