Facial Skincare

Chapter 1
Is daily use of a facial skincare tool counterproductive?
Is it true that overuse of a facial skincare tool is counterproductive? "Is it true that too much use of a facial device is counterproductive? If you're wondering, "Is it true that overuse of facial products is counterproductive?
In this article, I'll explain the reasons why you need to follow the frequency of use of your facial skincare device and the correct frequency of use of your facial device, so please refer to it.
Finally, we'll also introduce some recommended facial equipment, so if you're having trouble choosing a facial equipment, don't miss this.
0.1 Is overuse of facial cleansers counterproductive?
If you are wondering, "Is it true that using a facial toner every day is counterproductive? You may be wondering, "Is it true that using a facial device every day is counterproductive?
If you are trying to improve your skin problems quickly and do not follow the frequency of use of your facial device, not only will you not be able to see the results, but you may also be putting a strain on your skin.
The optimal frequency of use for your facial device is about 2-3 times a week. If you are using your facial device too much, you may be unknowingly harming your skin.
0.2 Reasons why using your facial device too often can be dangerous
Excessive damage
It depends on the function of the facial device, but if it has a function that directly stimulates the skin, it may cause damage to the skin.
Damaged skin can lead to dryness, roughness, and disturbed turnover, so facial care can worsen the condition of the skin.
Thin skin areas and inflamed areas are especially vulnerable to damage, so be careful.
Skin's accustomedness to facial appliances
If your skin becomes accustomed to using a facial device, it will be difficult to feel the effects of using it.
Dependence on facial appliances can be very dangerous because it can interfere with the skin's natural ability to recover.
Especially in your twenties, when your skin has a high capacity to recover naturally, avoid relying on facial appliances.
Once your skin gets used to it, it will be difficult to get the best results from hand care alone when you stop using the facial device.
Muscle fatigue
Facial appliances with EMS and high frequency functions are items that stimulate the muscles, so if you use them frequently, your muscles will get tired.
For example, if you do muscle training every day, you are more likely to get injured.
Not only will your muscles get fatigued, but they will also become accustomed to the care of the facial device, which will cause sagging and wrinkles to appear when you stop using it.
0.3 What is the correct frequency of use for facial equipment? Frequency of use by function
Ultrasound is a function that promotes blood circulation and skin elasticity. The recommended frequency of use is two to three times a week.
Daily use of ultrasonic facial equipment may aggravate the opening of pores and remove the sebum necessary for the skin.
Radiofrequency is a function that uses heat to tone the skin. The specific effects include improving the penetration of beauty ingredients and promoting blood circulation.
It is recommended to use it once every three days after cleansing or bathing.
It is recommended to use it once every three days after cleansing the face or bathing, and avoid using it every day as it may cause damage to the skin and is dangerous.
Ion introduction
Ion-introduction is a function that supports the penetration of beauty ingredients by passing a weak electric current through the skin.
Some people think, "If the current is weak, there is no problem using it every day. However, daily use can cause skin problems due to the accumulation of damage. A good rule of thumb is to use a facial device with an ion-introduction function about two to three times a week.
Electroporation is a function that uses the power of electricity to allow beauty ingredients to penetrate deep into the skin.
By passing a weak electric current through the skin, it is possible to approach the deep layers of the skin with beauty ingredients that are difficult to penetrate. The effects include improvement of acne and wrinkles, and tightening of pores.
The appropriate frequency of use for home use extroportion is once every week or so.
If you use it at the wrong frequency, you may not be able to feel the effects, so make sure to use it for an appropriate period of time.
Lasers are an effective feature to reduce the appearance of blemishes and freckles. The laser is irradiated to destroy the melanin pigment that causes the spots.
The frequency of use is generally two to three times a week, but due to the irritating nature of the laser, avoid using it if you have rough or sensitive skin. It may aggravate inflammation.
Light/LED is a function that activates the function of cells by irradiating light. The frequency of use varies from product to product, so be sure to read the instruction manual carefully before using the product.
For example, you should use it every day for a set period of time and then take a break for a period of time.
Excessive care without following the frequency of use may lead to burns or other injuries.
EMS and high frequency
EMS and high frequency stimulate muscles to improve sagging, wrinkles, and a smaller face. If you use them too frequently, fatigue will accumulate and it will have the opposite effect.
As with the other functions, the frequency of use should be two to three times a week. Be sure to follow the frequency of use and give your muscles time to rest.
Massagers are a type of facial device that promotes blood circulation by rolling it around. By improving the flow of the lymphatic system, the wastes in the body are discharged and swelling and sagging can be reduced.
Most facial massagers are manually operated, so daily use is not a problem.
However, if you use them for a long period of time, the friction and other factors may put a strain on your skin.
Also, avoid using it on inflamed areas such as acne. Some products should not be used daily, so it is best to follow the instruction manual.
Steamers and mists
Steamers and misters are functions that use steam to bring moisture to the skin. Unlike other functions, they do not directly irritate the skin, so there is no problem in using them every day.
Even though it does not cause irritation, it is still a prerequisite to follow the product instructions. Follow the directions for use to achieve a moisturized skin.
Water peeling
Water peeling is a function that uses ultrasonic vibrations to gently remove dirt from pores, and also has effects such as ion introduction.
It is very effective for problems caused by dirt clogging the pores, such as rough noses and blackheads. It is recommended to use it once or twice a week.
It is recommended to use it once or twice a week, for no more than 10 minutes each time, and make sure to wet your skin with water so that the ultrasonic waves can be transmitted evenly to your skin.