Plastic Surgery


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Plastic Surgery During Pandemic: A Surprising Soar In Demand

2020 was a shocker literally for everyone on the planet. Impossible as it may have seemed, everything came to a halt for months in efforts to control the spread of the novel coronavirus. Except for medical services and provision of essential needs, all else stopped. And when it was finally time to reopen, the demand for most products and services seemed to have declined or even absent. But who would have guessed this is not the case with plastic surgery?

Plastic Surgery Demands Skyrocket Surprisingly

Just when you thought plastic surgery is still a taboo and an elephant in the room, cosmetic procedures are currently in high demand, more wanted than they were before the worldwide lockdowns. Just when plastic surgeons and dermatologists thought that there would be a decline since there may be other things that people would deem as far more essential like food, bookings have spiked as soon as clinics reopened.

While there are no formal studies or surveys that account for this increase, LipoMelt Pro would be safe to say that the demand has indeed skyrocketed since many practitioners all over the United States reported to have tons of appointments and long waiting lists that do not seem to end. Bookings are still coming in from as far as Asia. These doctors had to cut short their vacations and trips just to be able to go back to their clinics and cater to all the patients.

Plastic Surgery Boom: The Reasons Behind

It may seem as cosmetic procedures are not in most people's list of priorities but they have become so. Read on and you will understand why.

  • A lot of these individuals have long overdue treatments and appointments that they could not go to because of the stay-at-home order.
  • Having to stay at home is technically a vacation. This long period of being indoors is a good time to recover from cosmetic procedures.
  • Since most people have likely spent a lot of time looking at themselves, they have had the time to discover what they feel as flaws, especially in their appearance.
  • Many individuals had to face their unfiltered selves during Zoom meetings and video calls that may not be as flattering as they have hoped for, especially with the wrong angles, bad lighting, and awkward poses which they would have never revealed online otherwise.
  • All the stress due to the uncertainty and solace at home has disturbed hormone levels which could have resulted in skin problems. Add to that the acne that many people have developed due to frequent and prolonged wearing of masks.
  • Beautifying one's self is an effective stress-reliever, right?
  • There is a realization that tomorrow is uncertain, so why not do something today that can make you happy and more confident?

The pandemic made us lose our power over certain things including our jobs and plans. Yet with plastic surgery, many people felt they gained a semblance of control, in that they can create something desirable out of their own free will.

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