The Journey for the Time Stone


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Esmerelda Light was a regular 15 year old teenage girl living a normal life (or as normal as a teenage life can be if you have amnesia and woke up from a coma at the age of 12 knowing college academics, writing stories above the usual teenage vocabulary being surprisingly great in the athletic department and drawing pictures like an actual artist). Living in the school dorms until one night a Fairy boy her age named Devon Wainwright crashes into her little life Literally and starts going to her high school. That's when her world instantly is magically turned upside down as she starts to get headaches and starts to remember and begins piece her past together. Little by little she starts to remember who she really was, where she came from, what she is meant to do and what or who her mark represents. She and Deven along with three friends who she finds out that they aren't human and two guards who also aren't human embark upon a journey through Esmerelda's past to find The Time Stone the only thing that can save Esmerelda from a curse that was placed upon her at age 11 and make a choice one that could eather bring her happiness and let her live on or bring her deep despair and cause her to lose her will to live and her life. As the journey goes on she starts to get nervous when she is around everyone and goes off into the woods alone at night. What is she trying to hide? They all question that's when Esmerelda grows distant from everyone else and where's the pendent the guards give her the one she resented and repeatedly refused to wear. Everyone is worried about her and wondering if she is alright with going through her unknown past Devon especially. In the end Will she have the will to continue her journey through the past she has long forgotten? Or loose her will to live on with what she finds out? That…That We shall see in time.

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Chapter 1

 Esmerelda Light was sitting there in her dorm at her desk doing her advanced mathematics homework thinking of a fantasy story for English class and about whether or not she should accept a four year scholarship to go to a private school in Brazil. They say I'm the most unique and creative girl in this school huh? She snickers at the thoughtYeah right not in a million years would I ever go to that place or go to any dances ha yeah I'd be better off with staying here and reading a book on astronomy or something like that she thought rolling her Emerald green eyes. She then hears a knock on her door and pushes her silver hair behind her ear showing her pale skin and the mark on her left hand "Hm?" She looks up "Who is it?" She calls. "Em? It's me You still up" a girls voice asked from behind the door a voice Esmerelda knew all to well "Salamanca? It's a quarter past midnight What could she want at this late hour?" She asks herself then unlocks the door and opens it to see her friends. Esmerelda had three friends the three girls each had different looks and personalities. The one in the middle was named Salamanca Heart she had waist length pale blonde hair white skin and piercingly blue eyes she only wore light blue and white clothing and always had on a jacket and heeled boots Salamanca was also a writer who mostly wrote stories that involved a life threatening or saving prophecy or something of some sort she also wasn't talkative except to Esmerelda. The one on the right was named Cinder Stone she had shoulder length midnight black hair dark skin and soft golden eyes unlike Salamanca Cinder wore midnight black and dark yellow she also always wore a jacket and heeled boots but in different colors Cinder was an artist like Esmerelda they became friends in art class when Esmerelda was asked to show them one of her drawings and became one of the best in the class she talks a bit more than everyone else until she met Esmerelda and was somehow convinced that she should be less outgoing and be more of a listener. The one on the left was Caterina White she had Chocolate brown hair light skin and flame orange eyes Caterina was a quiet artist who only wore red and orange she also wore boots and a jacket but in different colors and met Esmerelda in gym when Esmerelda accidentally defeated the other team on her own in dodgeball surprising the teachers and students that were watching. Esmerelda looks at them confused then she saw that they had wrapped boxes in their hands "What's going on? Who's birthday is it?" She asked them in confusion. "Yours it's past midnight on December 17th your birthday time wise is now and today or did you forget about that Ms.Light?" Salamanca asked smiling. "Actually to be honest I didn't know I…haven't really looked at the calendar in a while because of uh…you know…" Esmerelda trailed off. "Oh…" Caterina said quietly remembering that Esmerelda was offered a full scholarship to a private institution in Brazil to get her college degree early then could come back to high school if she wanted. "You… You aren't really thinking about going there and leave us for four years!…Are you?" Cinder asked in panic mode Esmerelda didn't answer for a few moments "I…I don't know Cinder I haven't decided yet though I have my doubts that I will even be excepted there" Esmerelda admitted The girls looked at her like she was from outer space or something. "Why do you always do that?" Caterina asked concerned while they all sat down.

"Do what?"

"Put yourself down like that you are smart enough to be in that collage Heck your smarter than most of the teachers in the school who wouldn't agree on that?"

"Language and I…wasn't talking about smarts" she points out.


"I was talking about age and how I look to people and I guess I was thinking about smarts too"

"Who cares?" Salamanca said smiling


"You are the smartest teen in the damn world as far as I know it doesn't matter if you are younger than the other students there once they see how smart and athletic you are damn sure they'll accept you as one of them"


"And if we are talking about looks you are beautiful, unique and amazingly talented who wouldn't agree on that?!" Cinder said smiling.

"The popular kids…"

"I'll ask them later" Salamanca said curtly

"That won't be a problem actually I just texted them that question" Caterina said putting her phone down. "Seriously? At this hour?" Esmerelda said smirking "Says the girl who is always working on school till 5:00am Now open your presents already" Salamanca said giving her the gifts. "Touché" Esmerelda said reluctantly starting to open her presents. The first gift was in silver wrapping paper and a gold ribbon "That's from me" Cinder said gleefully Esmerelda smiled then opened the present and looked at what was inside it was a pad of drawing paper that she could have fit on her lap pencils regular and colored a face painting set and a silver and gold mask which confused Esmerelda but she shrugged it off "I love them Cinder thank you" Esmerelda said hugging Cinder happily. The next present was wrapped in Yellow wrapping paper and a orange ribbon "That's mine" Caterina said quietly as Esmerelda was opening the present to see what was inside there was a scrap booking set, a photo album, a video camera, a camera and a silver and gold warrior princess outfit Esmerelda smiled "Thanks Caterina I love them" Esmerelda said and Caterina showed a relieved smile. Salamanca past Esmerelda her present which was wrapped in light blue wrapping paper and a white ribbon. Then… Crash someone came through Esmerelda's window everyone quickly ducked for cover. They watched as a dark figure got up and looked at them Esmerelda turned pale when the shadowy figure looked straight at her with dead eyes and then attacked.

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Chapter 2

 Esmerelda was shocked to see who crashed through her window the second time and destroyed the shadowy figure. It was a boy probably he age maybe older by 1 or 2 years she couldn't tell for some reason probably because she was to shocked to focus on what was going on. The boy looked at her and put his sword away "Woah, are you alright?" he asked concerned helping Esmerelda up "Y-Yeah I'm alright thanks" She said then went over to check on her friends "She was the one that was just attacked but is more worried about their well being than her own" The boy smirks "What a kind yet strange girl". "You guys alright?!" Esmerelda asked they nodded "Yeah but what about you?" Salamanca asked "I'm fine! I'm more worried about you three"


"What? What is it?"

"You were the one that was attacked not us"

"Who cares?! Out of all the damn people that attack me you will be damn sure that I will worry about the three of you!"

"And you say we have bad language? and you have a point"

"Damn right I do and you have a point as well" Esmerelda said then laughed as did the other three. "What were we talking about again?" Cinder asked "Doesn't matter now" Salamanca said then turned to the boy "Hey you!" He looked at her "What is it?" He asked annoyed crossing his arms and Cinder smirked "What's your name Mr. Shadow slayer?" Salamanca asked kindly and the boy toke a step back taken off guard. He toke a few seconds to process what Salamanca said and looked at them and sighed "My name is Devon LandCaster and I have to go now" he said and the window repaired on its own while walking out of the Room. "Esmerelda" She suddenly said and the boy looked back at her "Nice to meet you Esmerelda" he said and was gone.

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