Why People Live In The City?


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Why do people live in the city?

 When was the last time you truly been in the wilderness? Since when has it been till you have put your phone down and just lay down on the field? Well, for most of you the answer will most likely be “a long time ago”  from here you might be thinking this “oh, not again. Another one of those city ruins life story”  But no, I can assure you that this essay won't be another one of those ineffective essays about how bad cities are, and I’m going to show you by providing how important cities are and why human beings are living in them.

Hunting is a lot of fun right? Now think about it like this, you in the middle of nowhere standing in the darkness, predators all gathering around you waiting to take the first bite. Now you as a human without Sharp teeth and claws or any tool, what's your opinion on whats about to happen next? Well if you're like me then we're all pretty sure about on what’s about to happen, and yes you are going to die.  There you go the first reason for you to get a normal job and just stay in the city, and not try to become the next and Bear Grills.

Second reason,

You may be asking, well what if I just find a place without animals and just live a peacefully life with out a “job”? First of all despite the fact that finding such a place is incredibly hard and difficult, but most importantly where are you gonna live? The real world isn't like Minecraft, and it for sure wont be easy to cut down a tree nevertheless, build a house! Even if you successfully “build a house”, how do you get water, fire, or even just normal clothing? I don't think we are survival experts; and probably will not be. That's why I think people should live in the city, where everything is so easy to achieve.

(jobs and schools are not easy)

Now let's say you solved everything, you know how to make or find, shelter, fire, water, and clothes. You are also a skilled fighter and can at least hunt and self defense, what now? Well, what's the point of it? Think about it you need to run around for the entire day just to find animals. Then you’ll have to catch them and kill them and in the end, cook them! Think about how tiring and how much time that wastes? Also since your not a good cook and everything will probably taste disgusting. Also what if there was a natural disaster like an earthquake or a tornado? Even if you somehow survived the impossible, what if you got extremely injured? You have no first aid kit on you, no phone to call the ambulance. In the end, you will still die! Since your a a skilled fighter, might as well just join the WWE!

I think the reason “why people live in the city” today is the same reason thousands of years ago because we as human beings could not survive in the wilderness. And the best way to fix this is by creating a place with large amounts of human beings living in it. Slowly as time goes by places like police stations and hospitals were created, and that only made it easier to live in a city. Being completely honest, I really can’t think of any reason to live outside of a city. Hopefully as time goes by things like criminals or war will disappear. So that all the people could get to feel what Living in a city feels like.

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