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Dangers Escorts Face In Paris

Hotels, brothels, and massage parlors are the harboring place of call girls and escorts in Paris. Others who are not privileged enough find themselves in the streets where they still carry out their activities. One would have thought the number of prostitutes must have reduced by now because of civilization. That is far from the truth. If anything, it increased the more.

The internet has become a means of getting accessible and available clients. This way, they do not need to hustle or stand on the road at night waiting for a pickup. No matter how you weigh it, prostitution is a taboo and menace to society.

The law passed in the year 2016 led to lots of changes. The clients are the ones to blame and not the prostitute. The reason behind this was to discourage a lot of young girls from engaging in prostitution for any reason. 

Was the law successful?

Did the amendment stop the high rate of prostitution in France? The answer is no. It didn't, if anything, it increased the quest to engage more and put the prostitutes in a disadvantaged position as clients expected a lot from them since they risked sanctions or fines. 

Effects of the law amendment on prostitution in Paris

After the modification of the law, prostitutes faced inhumane treatment from clients, all in the name of working. Some of them are;

  • These clients of theirs always insisted on having everything they paid for. It implies that they expect more from the prostitute to make up for the money they have already paid. They also assume that if the prostitutes want them to continue coming, they should do all to please them. 
  • The blame put on the client has led to lots of abuse on the side of the prostitutes. When a client takes the risk to come to the prostitute, anything short might result in beating and various kinds of abuse. 

Reasons why Escorts engage in their profession

Recent reports have shown that many women are involved in prostitution due to a lack of employment opportunities. It is not a valid reason for engagement in prostitution. Some of the reasons include;

  • Lack of job opportunity

Up to about half of the prostitutes found in Paris will have this same answer when asked why she was a professional. When jobs are scarce and there are no sufficient means of communication, young girls and older women are lured to engaging in prostitution.

Extra income

Many Escort girls and call girls see their job as means of getting extra income. 

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