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Being Aware Of Why Homeowners Live In A House That Is Not Ideal For Them

According to a study, over half of homeowners in the UK own an unsuitable home.


Two thousand four hundred homeowners participated in the study, which found that homeowners are more inclined to hang onto the home they deemed unfit for up to four years despite discerning the house is no longer suitable for their needs.


There are various reasons why people take so long to move out, even though they know it is the best decision for them. In general, money was the most frequent concern, with homeowners ascribing another £125,000 to purchase a more suitable piece of property, plus finding and dealing with Estate Agents. A majority of respondents cited budget constraints as the main hurdle.


Another research report revealed on average, 50% of homeowners underestimate the value of their home by £46,300 on average, which implies pricing is less of an issue in reality. For those interested in finding out what their property deserves, consider booking a free estate assessment.If you too are interested you must browse the website Fiskslondon.co.uk.


Move-related obstacles faced by homeowners and their families


Finances were not the only factor cited by respondents as a reason for not moving. Over a quarter of respondents indicated that affection to the home was a deciding factor, with more than half of parents saying they felt that their kids were attached too closely to the house. Over one in ten parents are unwilling to sell their homes to prevent their children from being disappointed, despite living in a small apartment, residing far away from a decent school, or living at a distance from work, making it difficult to commute. A similar amount of respondents said they were afraid to leave their homes due to furbabies buried in their yards.


A change of direction, which involves a degree of uncertainty, people tend to avoid at all costs. It is also one of the reasons some families shy away from moving.


To stay or not to stay?


Whether or not they realize it, change is a dreaded thing for most people. Despite this, some are so bold as to claim they have no affinity for changing. Brits are more likely to say that any kind of difference they experience would be hard to adjust to, with nearly half saying they are afraid of new beginnings because of its inconsistency.


There is nothing easy about changing or coming out of your comfort zone, yet it is sometimes essential. It is a big decision to change housing to a more convenient location for one's lifestyle. Despite this, research shows relocating could be a worthwhile undertaking that can significantly enhance one's quality of life. Studies show that simple activities like cycling or strolling are beneficial to people's mental and physical health.


Indeed, research findings seldom match the experiences of individuals. According to our previous discussion, there may be many reasons a homeowner has difficulty selling their property, even in situations where the house no longer meets the current homeowner's needs.

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