Boston Holloway: Cataclysm


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Chapter 1

    When I closed my eyes, I could almost convince myself that I was somewhere else. Anywhere else. I could ignore the howling wind and the crackling thunder that always seemed to strike just inches from the window. I could ignore the omnipresent footsteps that seemed to be everywhere, yet would vanish whenever I cocked my head to listen for them.

    I could even ignore the memories.

    But as the night wore on, I could not ignore the tangible fear that something was wrong. Without understanding why, I rose to my feet, glancing around the barren room anxiously. All seemed impossibly quiet, as though the noise of my thumping heart was enough to drown out the rest of the world. Then, with an earshattering CRACK!, the wooden door to my bedroom splintered and collapsed inwards, almost slamming into me. Standing behind it, gazing down on me, was a man. His entire body was covered in a thick, black fabric, making him blend into the shadows like a wraith. The only thing that I could really see were his eyes; very cold, and completely black. Gazing into his eyes, I felt an irrational feeling of thrill, mixed with a completely rational feeling of terror.

    A small noise escaped the back of my throat, much like an injured animal would make. The man started at me quizzically for a split second, then hesitantly reached his arms out towards me. My trembling body immediately became a blur of motion, and I shot out of the room, rushing down the stairs and navigating my way through the maze-like mansion in a way I sincerely hoped the man would not be able to. As I ran, my mind was haunted by the image of his eyes, and the fact that I could easily hear two sets of footsteps besides my own, stomping throughout the building, searching for me.

     I raced into the great room and stopped to catch my breath. The fire in the large brick fireplace roared and crackled, creating dancing shadows in the far corners of the room. I reached down and pulled the heavy iron fire poke out from the bright orange coals and held it in front of my body.

    I called out to the footsteps, "Don't come any further!", but the heavy rhythm of boots on the wooden floor never faltered.

    Then, there he was, standing in the door frame to the room, his head barely moving as his eyes shifted quickly around the room, settling on me.

    "I need you to come with me." the man growled. He said his words like an order as he took a step closer.

    "Leave my house." I said, my words no longer sounding strong. My heart pounded even louder as the man in black took another step toward me. "You aren't welcome here."

    Again, he moved closer, and his eyes narrowed, stabbing my soul as he recognized my unwillingness to move. Haltingly, he again raised his gloved hands as he moved withing ten feet of me.

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