Richard Melk


Tablo reader up chevron


My dog is a Dachshund. For the moment, I don't think that this is important. However, I thought that I should mention it now, in case I forgot to mention it later. I have a habit of doing that - forgetting to mention things. 

Today, is bright and sunny. I like to wear shorts as often as I can, so I put them on this morning. Also, I prefer to wear sandals to shoes, but I still wore shoes. That's because its expected that I wear shoes at the office. If I could, I would have worn my sandals.
My house is three houses down from the bus-stop. The bus-stop has a concrete shelter, which is useful when it rains. It doesn't rain much in Chesterton but, when it does, I prefer to not get wet. 
Buses arrive at the bus-stop every 13 minutes on weekday morning's between 6:55 and 9:15. I have enough time to comfortably arrive at the office before 8:30 in the morning if I catch the 7:54. If I leave my house at 7:45, I usually have no problems catching the 7:54. Its rare for me to miss the 7:54, but it can happen. I once missed the 7:54 because on the way to the bus-stop, I couldn't remember if I had locked the backdoor to my house and I had to go back and check. That was back when I would leave the house at 7:50. This morning I missed the 7:54 because I got kidnapped. 
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