Alien: Log Out


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Amanda was put into the elevator. Half asleep. She was found drifting out in space, but a ship found her. All weapons were confiscated because they had ammo, yet for some reason they let her keep the non-fueled flamethrower. They sent her up alone on the elevator. Some hours later, she fully woke on the orange seats of the claustrophobic cart. Amanda grabbed her flamethrower and pressed the button for no absolute reason and only to see no fire come out. She walked out into the cold dark room and gathered what small supplies were in there. Amanda last fully remembered encountering that thing on the Torrens, Verlaine was most likely dead.  She had no idea how it got there and  was now positive it was on this ship too. She assumed it had something to do with those hand spider would explain why the alien wasn't on the ship until Patient Zero and Marlow snuck there way on. She had read Patient Zero's file on a terminal back at Sevastopol. The topic of hand spiders out of her mind she saw the door ahead of her had a button placed in the middle with a speaker looking thing under it.  No way she was going out there. The doctor that was supposed to treat her waited several hours to go see Amanda. His mistake? He gave her just enough time to go insane. When the doctor arrived at the door Amanda saw no human, she saw the creature. When the doctor spoke, she heard nothing but screams and growls. The doctor walked away, but to her, it crawled up into the darkness is the vents. Amanda went fully insane, as if she wasn't already. She crafted a noise maker and sat there, listening to its distorted static sounds, its beeping,  it was screaming in her ear. She sat by flares that gave no heat to warm herself, in a already room that felt as if it was surrounded by fire. She banged on walls, opened and closed locker doors and stared at the retro screen of her motion trackers. Somehow, she KNEW her mother had encountered the alien before her, and that if it wasn't for the creature she could have another chance to talk to her mother, that she would be here!  Several hours of insanity later Amanda stood up. Amanda knew she was smart and she was a fighter. She pushed the trigger on her flamethrower only to get a pulse of electricity. She knew the only way out of this was to find a way to destroy the Aliens.  So slowly, Amanda tapped her feet on the stone hard floor, and pushed the button to open the door...

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