Everyone But Me


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Short story!!

 Have you ever wondered what it’s like to never die? Well, my life story will make you question everything you know about death. It all started in third grade when I was making a paper hat. I wasn’t careful, like any other kid, and got a paper cut. I looked at where it felt numb. There was no cut. Anywhere, on me. The three kids around me looked horrified when they found a paper cut on them, when I was the only one who was playing with paper. 

I never though anything of it, until I realized that no matter what I do, I will never be the one who gets hurt. Only the people around me. 

You’re probably wondering why this is such a big deal, right? What’s so bad about never getting hurt? Well, let me tell you. 

I was walking down the alley that leads towards my house when these three guys came up behind me. Obviously they were trying to rob me, but I wasn’t about to let that happen. I held onto my purse as hard as I could as the tried to pry it out of my small hands. 

I thought I could handle them until the biggest one pulled out a gun. The first thing you think of when a gun is pulled on you isn’t “well I’m immortal and won’t die”, it’s “holy crap! I’m about to die”. Now it did come to me eventually that if he pulls the trigger on me, they will die. Not me. 

There was a bang and what sounded like everyone falling to the ground. Everyone but me. Dead. 

Now foolish me decided to pick up the murder weapon as I inspected how they died. It’s was horrific. A bullet hole near the left temple. On all three of them. 

I felt like running as the cop cars came into view. Someone must have heard the gun shot and scream the erupted from me. 

I was taken into custody because I was the only person there and holding the murder weapon. Foolish me. 

After the court trial, it was decided that I was guilty. Death row. At least I won’t get hurt. 

I’m sitting here now, waiting to go on death row. Waiting for them to lock me in a chair and see me live. Only they won’t see me, frankly, they won’t see anything. I’m not the one who’s going to die. 

Next time, people should consider that there are inhuman beings, people who won’t die from a silly injection. Now, you will never know who I am or how I live my life. I never give my name of course. I just hope people become more aware of what’s around them, because you may be the next to suffer from my mistakes. 

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