What Is Chinese Language Famous for?


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What Is Chinese Language Famous for?

More than 1.4 billion people in the world speak Chinese as it is the most frequently used language online. The Chinese language is a broad term since it has many dialects. Here is some basic information about the language that will surely gain your interest to know more. The Chinese language is famous for the following reasons:

1. Written Forms

Traditional and simplified are the two forms of the Chinese written language. The simplified version was developed in 1949. During that period, the communist rule came into power in mainland China. The simplified version is used officially in the People’s Republic of Malaysia, Singapore and China. Macau, Hong Kong, and the Republic of China mostly use the traditional form. The simplified written language is widely used across every region in the country as it is easy to understand.

2. Spoken Language

As far as spoken language is concerned, it is classified into several dialects and tongues that includes myriads of uncommon variants. TheWordPoint offers Chinese language courses for people that are keen to learn the language. Besides, you can obtain translation services as well to understand the specialty of the Chinese language. The spoken language is unique in every region such as Huanese, Jin, Wu, Hakka, Ping, Xiang, Gan, Huizhou, and other distinct dialects or languages.

3. Special Writing System

The Chinese language has a unique way of writing as it is the sole pictographic language that people still use even today. The ideal example is the ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics. It means that the system of writing has not changed to add its own syllabaries or alphabets.

4. Special Radicals

There is no alphabet in the Chinese language, and searching for specific words in the Chinese dictionary can be challenging. Hence, the radicals come in good use as they are elements that add like a base for the characters of the Chinese language. The majority of characters consist of one or more radicals. The Chinese language has 214 radicals, and the dictionaries follow a technique where you locate words through the number of strokes and radicals.

5. Special Homographs, Homophones, and Homonyms

Homonyms are words that combine homographs and homophones or both. Homophones although have the same sound, the meaning is different. Homographs have different meanings, but they are written like they are the same. These are some of the reasons that make the Chinese language popular and more diverse than any other language in the world today.

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