How to Translate YouTube Videos in New Languages Easily?


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How to Translate YouTube Videos in New Languages Easily?

There are loads of foreign movies and TV shows that have received lots of awards and you can find many of them on YouTube easily. However, if you want to watch a foreign movie on YouTube then the video player will play the movie in the original language and you will not be able to understand the plot or story of the movie correctly. So there are lots of ways to translate YouTube videos into new languages and you will find out about them below.

Change the Default Language Settings

Lots of times the default language is not selected properly and so you will get the shows and movies on YouTube in a different language. So you can simply log in to YouTube using your account id and password and then select the video that you want to translate. Then select the advanced option and look for the language settings in the menu. After that, you will be able to see a list of available languages and you just have to select the desired one to translate the YouTube video.

Translate the YouTube Captions

You can also translate the captions and the subtitles of the YouTube video to your desired language and then watch the movie in English or any desired language captions. You just have to find the Subtitles or CC option in the menu and then choose the appropriate subtitles for the movie. You can also ask for customized subtitles or captions from TheWordPoint for the movies and shows and they will use trained translators who will correctly translate the subtitles into any language you want and in the right format. After that, you simply have to upload the subtitle track to the movie manually and you will have the translated subtitles and captions.

Using Translator Applications

There are loads of video translation applications in the market that can translate all types of videos from YouTube and then save them in the desired format. So you just have to send the URL or the website link of the video that you want to be translated and the videos will be translated by professionals and they will send it back to you in any format you want.

Change the Audio Language

In some videos, you will see an audio option in the menu and from there you can select the desired language in which you want to watch the movie. However, this option is not available for all the videos on YouTube.

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