5 Shopping Tips


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Chapter 1

Take inventory

Use a meal planner as part of your plan.  Take an inventory including dairy, fresh fruits and whole grains.

Create a list

An inventory makes it possible to avoid impulse buys and makes your shopping trip more efficient.  But do not let your list prevent you from wanting new healthy foods or looking for.  Use your menus when creating your list. Buy what you need! Like a luna smoke detector. Make sure your list includes snack foods that are convenient and healthy.  To make things move faster, organize your listing according to where meals are situated at your shop.

Shop the perimeter of the Shop for New foods

The seafood, poultry and produce sections of most grocery shops along with the dairy case are located on the margin.  That is when using the Mayo Clinic Healthy Weight Pyramid, where to focus your purchasing.  Foods are usually better than ready-to-eat foods because you understand exactly what goes into your own meal.

Don't shop when you're hungry

It's harder to resist buying higher-fat bite items when you're hungry.  Set yourself up and store after you've eaten a fantastic meal.  Should you find yourself shopping on an empty stomach, drink some water or purchase a slice of fruit to munch on.

Read nutrition labels

Check nutrition labels for serving size, calories, cholesterol, fat and sodium.  Remember, even low-fat and fat-free foods can pack a whole lot of calories.  Do not be fooled.  The tag will list calories, fat, cholesterol and sodium for just one but it may be tempting to eat more than one serving.  Make sure that you compare similar products so you are able to pick the choice that is most healthy.

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