Free online tools for plagiarism


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Free online tools for plagiarism

This is the biggest problem that plagues the essay community. Most people prefer not to put in the work and just take the easy road. In some cases you may find that the student actually put in the work but never cited the source which is the mistake on their part. There are tools designed to help both the teacher and student identify plagiarized essays .

1. Copyleaks

The greatest advantage is that Copyleaks can be used for both academic purposes and business purposes. It contains multi formats and various languages while offering you a variety of tools at your is one of the best choices but sadly can only be accessed after you sign up.

2. Plagiarisma

It is the most commonly used and can support over 100 languages. It supports most files by copy and paste method. It limits the words you can check per day but has a large audience all the same. TopEssayWriting encourages its use because it has no target audiences as long as you are in the business of writing or reading writings. The site also relies on this tool to check for plagiarism so you are sure that it is one of the best plagiarism checkers out there.

3. Plagiarism checker

Once you have the tool it detects and highlights the plagiarism. It has easy to use guidelines and it happens to be very detailed as well. It has a feature that allows you to check if any other site has plagiarized any of your work and no download is actually required. The only downside is that you can only access it with two browsers which are Google and yahoo.

4. PlagTracker.

PlagTracker is a tool that not only searches the websites but also academic databases by uploading files. It is not group specific meaning it addresses a large crowd, from teachers to students and even business owners as well as publishers. It can also check works in six different languages

5. Quetex

You do not need a subscription or account for it to check against databases and sites. It is considered fast and efficient but cannot upload files. Any writing in the internet similar to your essay will be detected and highlighted.

6. Plagium.

It contains different levels of searches. You copy and paste up to 5000 words and it highlights the plagiarized parts. It is easy to use with two search features which are easy search and deep search. The downside is that you need to be able to sign up in order to access its services.

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