5 useful tips if you are overdue your tasks


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5 useful tips if you are overdue your tasks

We all find ourselves at that point where assignments or tasks are overdue because you procrastinated too much or you forgot. These tips are meant to help you through this stressful point in time.

1. Time planning.

This will help you relieve pressure since you will be segmenting your work and planning each minute. You need to allocate time according to the most important task to the least important. For example, research should be given more priority and more time. It is also advisable to give yourself a short break to ease the pressure your brain is exposed to. This will not only help you finish your tasks quickly but will also teach you to manage your time better next time.

2. Understand the assignment

Your brain will program itself once you understand what your task requires of you. It would be disastrous if you just performed the entire task only to realize that was not the required one. Once you know what they expect of you it is easier to find a suitable approach.

3. Outline.

In order to save on time your outline points should be summarized. They should be short precise points supporting the thesis meaning you can only write the topic sentences. Your outline should include how you intend to structure your work to avoid delay.

4. Write the introduction and conclusion last.

Coming up with the introduction may take you a while which is why TopEssayWriting advices that it should come last in your essay. The body should start its paragraphs with topic sentences and have valid points supporting it.

Once you complete your work you can join all the main ideas you wrote into the introduction but ensure it is appealing. Your conclusion paragraph just needs to summarize your entire essays, making it the easiest to write

5. Proofread.

This should be your last task. Going through your work is a must in order to polish the final details, for example removing grammatical errors and conjunctions which make your work unnecessarily long.


The tips given here should be able to help you draft your essay in a short period of time, it might not be as good as the one you carefully take your time working on but it’s decent enough for reading and submitting.

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